Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

Purple - the Colour for Change of Life

Lent comes in the colour of the purple. It is the colour of sorrow, repentance and conversion. What we call as change, we really do not know where we should change, or what we are supposed to change, or change from because we see our lives all right or at least not so bad. This is a point where we should have to convince that we need a change because we need to  realize we are blind. With this thought, we cannot move further.

We have to be born again in a new form to attain the conversion in our lives. When we consider Jesus' life also, it is the same. His incarnation preceded His crucifixion, which in turn preceded resurrection, and in His resurrection is our hope. Therefore, repent and conversion is to make new in the sense it is clearly a miracle. For this, it is not all about sacrifices, fasting, abstinence. Only during this season of lent; it is starting of a new life that we are going to continue throughout our life. "If a shepherd has a hundred sheep and if one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety nine  on the mountains and go back for the one that went astray? If he finds it, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety - nine" Matthew 18 : 12 - 14.

We are not perfect; we make mistakes. The decision that we make to transform our lives must last throughout  our life span; it must not be a temporary decision. Jesus expects that beautiful quality of perseverance in our life. Therefore, we have to come out of our deserts for the prosperous lands of the Kingdom of God. There we will find a tree to climb like Zacheas in the Gospel;  because repentance is not enough,  for the change of life we will have to see Jesus. Therefore, Lent is a moment hearing and feeling the love and presence of Jesus. Therefore, Zacheus in his desire he wanted only to see Jesus but through his change of life, Christ allowed not only seeing Him and also to hear Him and touch Him. That is the real beginning of lent and as well as the new way of life. Up to now, I have mentioned that we need to have a change of life.

However, one may raise the question - How? There are many ways; from those different ways  and means leading a life of prayer is one of the most effective and important way of attaining this. This is the path which most of us try to forget as well. Mainly because of our busy schedule, family problems, lost in our faith, it seems everything is going on well;  loss of eagerness to change the life. Let us offer these as a prayer in this Lent and ask our loving Jesus to give us the desire to pray  and feel His presence so that we will be able to have a lent with a true meaning and a lasting change of life.

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

On Golgota

The long, hard journey ended
The long day's task was done
Shamefully on a cross
Twixt thieves He hung.
His sagging form suspended
From two nails that pierced the palms
The one on His right repentant
The other had no qualms.
"If you're a God than save us
and save your own self"
Thus spoke the tone of taunt and jeer
A materialistic attitude.
The other full of pity
Welled in his own dark pain
"Lord in Your kingdom remember me"
He did not plead sin vain.
For he plucked from the cross that promise
For a sinner's shame.
A lesson taught.
'tis not despair nor defiance that pays
But the sharing of a common pain
And repentant ways.

Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017

Saint Euphrasia

St. Euphrasia was a Roman and born to rich but deeply Christian parents. Her father, a relative of Emperor Theodosius 1, died when she was just a year old and the emperor looked after Euphrasia and her mother. Emperor Theodosius accomplished his mission of converting Rome into a Christian state.

When Euphrasia was seven, her mother took her to Egypt.  There they lived in a large house near a convent of nuns.  Euphrasia was fascinated by the nuns.

She begged her mother to let her serve God in the convent in which the holy nuns lived. She was just a little girl, but she was not to about give up the idea or forget  her request. Soon after, Euphrasia's mother took her to the convent and put her in the care of the abbess.

Then Euphrasia's mother died and the emperor reminded the young woman that her parents had promised her in marriage to a rich young senator. Of course Euphrasia wanted to belong to no one but Jesus. So she wrote a respectful letter to the emperor.

In it she said, " I belong to Jesus, and I cannot give myself to anyone else. My only desire is that the world should forget about me completely. I humbly beg Your Majesty to take all the riches my parents left me and give them to the poor. I ask Your Majesty to free all the slaves of my family. Please cancel all the debts people owe me."

The emperor thought her letter was so beautiful that he read it out loud to all the senators. He agreed to do everything she had asked.

Euphrasia spent the rest of her life as a nun. She never regretted that the Lord had chosen her to be a religious. She often fasted and when faced with temptations, would sometimes spend the day carrying heavy stones from one place to another as penance. Euphrasia died in 420.

There is an unmistakable beauty in the lives of people who sincerely to try to live out their faith in Jesus.

Transfiguration An Invitation For Change

Life is just a journey. God tells Abram to leave his country and go to the place God is telling him to.

We remember that we shall someday return to dust, and our souls will head to the Holy Place where God is calling us to be. The place where our souls go will be dazzling white, like the experience of the transfiguration in the Gospel.

But to go to that place, we have to change some our habits and lifestyles. We have to train ourselves to abandon ourselves completely to the Will of God, which will help us to be holy.

May Jesus, show us the areas in our lives which we can change, and give us the strength to change them. Guide us to always to do Thy will and to abandon my own Will to Thine. Lead us Home when our earthly journey is over.

Selasa, 20 Juni 2017

The Last Temptation

When the devil had finished every test, he departed from Him until an opportune time. Though the other Gospels record only three temptations, the Gospel according to Luke 4 : 2 declares that Jesus was led by the Spirit in the wilderness "Where for forty days He was tempted by the devil". Though the devil persevered with all His wiles and allurements, he was nevertheless doubtful of the identity of the Son of God, for on the first occasion he says,  "If You are the Son of God" Lk 4 : 3. All his temptations were severely rebuked by Christ, for He quoted the Scripture by saying, "for it is written". But the devil too, in his pride and insolence quoted the Scripture to the Son of God.

It can be surmised, that throughout His public life the tempter was at the heels of our Saviour, waiting for that "opportune time", especially at the great miracle of the loaves and fishes, when the crowds wanted to make him king and and at his triumphant entry into Jerusalem with the crowds virtually at His feet shouting Hossanahs. "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord." On all such occasions, He withdrew by Himself to a lonely mountain top and prayed throughout the night to His Heavenly Father and came down in the morning "full of power" and immediately left with His disciples to the other side away from the tempter.

The moment Satan was waiting for came when Jesus entered into His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Though he originally tempted Jesus with fame, power, glory and riches, he now makes Jesus visualize a vast sea of horenduous and inhuman torture brought about by the scourging with barbed whips, a crown of vicious thorns pressed tight on His head, the whip lashes of the Roman soldiers on the tortuous road to Calvary and his hands and feet nailed to the cross and lifted up between two criminals.

The sight of all these horrors and the heinousness and gravity of sin which He had taken upon Himself in His great love of humanity, was so intense that He was crushed beneath that loathsome weight and falling prostate before His Heavenly Father, His body was bathed in a sweet of blood. That dark starless night in Gethsemane, was literally the dark night of His soul when He implored His Father,"If it be possible let this chalice pass away from me." But in the intensity of His suffering, He prayed the more earnestly and fervently and was filled by the power of Holy Spirit to go through with this crushing ordeal. In deep prayer Jesus overcome this last temptation. Satan was finally vanquished by the power of prayer.

Through His own bitter experience Jesus exhorts His followers, "Pray that you may not come into the time of trial", but persevere unto the very end to behold "the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" - Psalm 27 : 13

Senin, 19 Juni 2017

Solid Musical Education for Laity and Clergy

While liturgical music has often struggled to live up to the quality and beauty the mystery of the Eucharist requires, we can promote its renewal by investing in a solid musical education for clergy and laity.

Certainly the encounter with modernity and the introduction of the languages spoken  in the Liturgical stirred up many problems, of languages, forms and genres. Sometimes a certain mediocrity, superficiality and banality prevailed, to the detriment of the beauty and intensity of the liturgical celebrations.

For this the various actors in this field, musicians and composers, conductors and singers of choirs, liturgical animators, can make a major contribution to the renewal, especially quality, of sacred music and liturgical chant.

Half a century after the Instruction of Musicam Sacrum, the conference wanted to elaborate, in an interdisciplinary and ecumenical perspective, the current relationship between sacred music and contemporary culture.

Of great importance, it was also a reflection on the aesthetic and musical education of both the clergy and religious and the laity engaged in the pastoral life and more directly in the choirs.

The Church has a great responsibility toward liturgical music, becaused it deals with the sacred mystery of the Eucharist and the sacred music, to that order, must balance the past and present in a way that invites full participation and lift the congregation's heart to God.

The dual mission of the Church, is, on the one hand, to safeguard and promote the rich and varied heritage inherited from the past, using it with balance in mind and avoiding the risk of a nostalgic vission that becomes a sort of "Archaeology".

On the other hand, we have to also ensure that the sacred music and liturgical chant don't ignore the artistic and musical languages of modernity.

All those responsible for liturgical music, on whatever level, must know how, to embody and translate the Word of God into songs, sounds, harmonies that makes the heart of our peers vibrate, creating even an appropriate emotional climate, that puts in order the faith and raises reception and full participation in the mystery that it celebrates.

Active and conscious participation in the liturgy constitutes being able to enter deeply into the mystery of God made present in the Eucharist. Thanks in particular to the religious silence and musicality of language which the Lord speaks to us.

Liturgical action is given a more noble form when it is celebrated in song and with the participation of the people.

True solemnity of liturgical action does not depend so much from a more ornate form of singing and a more magnificent ceremony than on its worthy and religious celebration.

Do not lose sight of this important goal: to help the liturgical assembly and the people of God to perceive and participate, with all the senses, physical and spiritual, in the mystery of God.

Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017

Don't think about what others think about us

We all like to be free. We wish to be independent, undisturbed and peaceful. We don't like taking orders from anyone.

But have you noticed that most of us quite unknowingly do just that?

Yes, when we constantly worry about what others think about us, we are doing just that!

We are allowing them to manipulate us. It happens so subtly that we cannot even feel that we are being enslaved by others' opinions.

The unhappiest of people in this world are those who care the most about what other people think.

"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner", said Lao Tzu.

How true!

As humans being we all like to be accepted and appreciated and often worry too much about others' approval. But this kind of excessive worrying is debilitating and it prevents us from living our life to the fullest potential.

People are free to think whatever they want, just as we are free to think whatever we want. What people think of us cannot change who we are or what we are worth.

People may have their own standards. But we are not bound to keep to their standards.

What one person considers garbage can be another person's treasure. Only we know what is right for us. It is our responsibility to create our own happiness. At the end of the day we are the only person responsible for consequences of our decisions.

Though we do not approve of certain ideas and values of others, we say yes to them, just because we don't like to hurt their feelings. But remember, this attitude does not work for our good all the time. Sometimes it may go against us even.

Also it is important to remember that we can not please all the people all the time. It is imposible to live up to everyone's expectations. And it is not necessary.

If we are constantly worried about what other people think, we will never get to where we need to go in life.

So why carry the weight of others' thoughts on our head? When we become so obsessed with others' people opinion of us, we forget our own.

Have you heard the saying, " A tiger doesn't lose his sleep over the opinion of a sheep" ?

Nice idea to remind that basically people's thoughts don't really matter.

So, do not allow others to break our peace of mind.

We have to take care of our mental, emotional, and spiritual self, and not let someone destroy our positive energy or mental peace. Just as we would not allow someone to add poison to our meal, we shouldn't let others poison our minds. Don't allow others to walk through our mind with their "dirty feet".

Respect the opinions and views of others. But take our own decisions.

What God think of us is what really matters.

Live our lives without worrying about other people's thoughts and opinions, and we will live our lives to the maximum.

Jumat, 16 Juni 2017

From the bright cloud the Father's voice was heard: This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to Him ! - Matthew 17 : 5

God shows Abraham a new land and a new beginning and promises him prosperity. Abraham had to leave everything;  the land of his birth, his kith and kin so as to experience this new identity. Abraham obeys God in faith.

God chooses man to spread the Good News, not because of his worthiness but because of God's over flowing goodness. Therefore we should be prepared to bear up our crosses for the sake of the Gospel.

Jesus goes to the mountain with Peter, James and John. He is seen discussing His future mission with Moses and Elijah. The Apostles wish to remain there. Just then the heaven opens and proclaims that Jesus is the Son of God and that they should listen to Him.

Lent obviously is a season with penitential acts. During this period people pray more fervently and observe Lenten spiritual exercises like the daily Holy Mass, the Way of the Cross, Holy Hours, Vigils, Forty Days, etc. But the way of life thus entered into should not be restricted to this season alone, but be extended to the rest of our lives. Our mortifications, however big are nothing in comparison to the passion and death of Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind.

Life is full of challenges. When it comes to special calling as a ministry, a way of life for witnessing, life can pose numerous challenges to the believer. Those who march forward with these challenges will be victorious. Those who evade and dodge will fall by the way side. Suffering contributes possitively to our lives in that it makes us realize that we are not perfect and are very vulnerable and hence the need for the grace of God to surmount these obstacles.

We see how Abraham takes a risk in accepting God's invitation to set out to an unknown destiny. This would have caused him untold headaches. But the very pain of detachment eventually turns out the very source of trust and faith which makes Abraham the father of faith.

Timothy is reminded of the necessity to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. If the preaching of the Good News is to bear fruit it has to involve sacrifices on the part of the preacher. In transfiguration, Jesus is seen discussing issues with Moses and Elijah. Jesus could have decided His future plan of action on His own without any assistance or mediation. At a time when many are questioning about mediators and the right of the church for mediation this text is quite an eye opener.

The story of the Transfiguration is followed by the discourse on Jesus' suffering, Jesus deliberately speaking of His passion to show that the Messiah is also the suffering servant depicted in the latter Isaiahan texts. Jesus rebukes Peter for his purely worldly manner of looking at issues. Jesus entered the glory through suffering, sacrifice mortification and finally death.

This should give us hope and strength to face life's trials and travails with fresh outlook so that Jesus will be our model and finally our victory. Lent should serve us to amend our lives  and fall in line with the Way of the Cross.

Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

Listen to Him - Matthew 17 : 1 - 9

The country is going through a severe drought. Everyone looks up; the sky seems closed. Simultaneously we all go through a spiritual aridity. Hence we need to look up and listen to the Heaven, during this sacred season of Lent.

Jesus going up a high mountain. On the mountain, He is transfigured. Then appear two figures who are also linke to a mountain, Mount Sinai (God revealed to Moses on Sinai; God revealed to Elijah on Horeb = Sinai). These two, Moses and Elijah, represent the Old Testament Law and the Prophets. They represent the Old Testament. They have got something to talk about.

In the meantime, a cloud comes. In the wilderness, the cloud covered the Meeting Tent. Later, it came to rest upon the Temple of Jerusalem at  the time of its dedication. Hence the cloud indicates the Lord's presence in the midst of His people. Once again  it casts its shadow. Yes, the Lord is present now.

From the cloud comes a voice. Once the heavenly voice identified Jesus as "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" - that was at His baptism before He took the Galilean ministry. Once again the Heavenly voice identifies Him as "This is my beloved Son". That was after He announced the destination of His ministry, the Paschal Mystery in Jerusalem, the city of destiny,  "From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised".

Only Jesus will be left as the Teacher whose Words must be heeded "and when the disciples raised their eyes, they saw no one else but Jesus alone." It is only Him that the Heavenly voice will identify as the one to be listened to now, "Listen to Him!".

When Jesus' divinity is revealed in such a privileged way, how do His disciples respond? Of them, Peter opens his mouth but not knowing what he is going to say. Oh, he feels so happy that he likens his joy to the joyful celebration of the harvest festival of Tabernacles: "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish, I will make three tents here, one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." The Israelites dwelt in booths during the journey from Egypt to the promised land" ... when you gathered in the produce of the land, you should celebrate a pilgrim feast of the Lord for a whole week ... for a week you shall make merry before the Lord, your God ... during this week every native Israelite among you shall dwell in booths)" and so Jews of Jesus' day too live in booths during the liturgical feast of the Tabernacles reliving their ancestral experience. The joy of Peter turns to that liturgical custom.

How do we now apply this Transfiguration of Jesus to our own lives? In 'something beautiful for God', Malcolm Muggeridge described the impact that Mother Teresa had upon an audience of people, saying "Every face ... was rapt, hanging on her words,  not because of the words ... but because of her. Some quality came across,  over and above the words, that held their attention.  A luminosity seemed to fill the school hall ... penetrating  every mind and heart."

This story of Mother Teresa helps us fathom, at least to some degree, the depth of impact that the Transfigured Jesus had upon His disciples. The whole event of the Transfiguration is a moment of grace for the disciples. It is a moment, when the border between heaven and earth appears to fade for a brief second. It is a moment, when, for a split second of time, they are blessed with a faint glimpse of eternity and God's glory.

Jesus can impact our lives even today - especially when we are faced with the predicaments and vicissitudes of life. Like Jesus' disciples who entered the cloud, we too can enter the majesty of God by listening to Him. Behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.

How do we listen to Jesus today? God instructed the disciples of Jesus  on the high mountain to listen to Him. It was a time when they failed to listen to Him and His words on the impending passion, death and Resurrection in Jerusalem. The Paschal Mystery remains a mystery to us as well today. It has been a mystery for all ages. But we need to listen to Him. We need to listen and obey the Word of the Lord, like Abraham, our Patriach, who went as the Lord directed him from the land of his kinsfolk and from his father's house to a land that the Lord would show him.

Rabu, 14 Juni 2017

The Holy Season of Lent

The Holy Season of Lent is associated with the Passion and Death of Jesus, thus giving it a sorrowful tinge. Indeed this is so, but this sorrow should in no way obscure the Graces which Lent bestows on us. According to the Liturgy of the Church, Lent is a race filled - season, provided we avail ourselves of this Spiritual Treasure.

To be entitled to these graces, we should intensify to our prayer life, indulge in penance, resort to fasting and Abstinence and be generous in giving alms. All these practices go hand in hand and should not be practiced in isolation. To begin with we should intencify our prayer life during Lent. The Eucharist takes pride of place and as such we need to frequent Holy Mass during the entire period of Lent. Practices such as the Way of the Cross and and pilgrimage to religious shrines need to be encourage. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, spending sometime with the Lord is an excellent practice, if followed throughout Lent. Praying the Rosary with the Sorrowful Mysteries will certainly enhance the Spiritual flavour of our Lenten Prayer Life.

Penance - In the form of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will certainly enrich us provided we humble ourselves before our Heavenly Father, who is, always waiting with open arms to forgive the repentant sinner - Ez : 18  - 21. This then is an excellent channel of receiving God's grace. Besides simple practices such as abstaining from meat on certain days, forgiving your enemy and all those who may have hurt you, abstaining from alcohol, smoking and other activities will certainly draw us closer to God and His unfathomable mercy.

Fasting - is an essential, ingredient of Lent. In the distant past Catholics fasted for forty days throughout Lent. Now this is reduced to just two days. So is abstinence from meat. Our elders, relating stories of bygone days remind us of how on the day prior to Ash Wednesday, late in the evening,  every household would be heard scrubbing earthenware chutty-pots in which meat was normally cooked, after which these would be cast aside until Easter Sunday. At the Divine Retreat Centre in Chalakudy in the South Indian State at Kerala, all weekly Retreats observe Thursday as a day of Fasting and Penance. During this lent, if only an attempt is made for fasting on Friday, this would certainly please the Lord. If so, when Easter dawns, we would be convinced, of having spent a Lenten season, filled with Divine graces.

Looking back at Lent in Sri Lanka in years gone by it is sad to note that many of our age old cultural practices now seem to be gradually ebbing out. Late as though it may be, we should resurrect them. One such practice is the chanting of Pasan (Passion) to musical notation, introduced by St. Joseph Vas and put into effect by Fr. Jacome Gonsalves, the father of modern Catholic Literature. During Lent in past years, it was a common practice for every Catholic family to gather together in front of their respective homes after sunset and commence chanting, Pasan. This chanting was continued from house to house with almost every house responding and all joining in chanting the chorus. This went on till dinner throughout Lent and thi chanting would conclude by singing that classic of Fr. Jacome Gonsalves "Daya Wenawa Sunde" with all houses joining in the singing. It is sad to note that this practice is gradually fading away except in a handful of villages in the Chilaw Diocese and in the village of Wahacotte in the Kandy Diocese. Catholic Sri Lanka, should strive to get back to this age old tradition in keeping with the spirit of Lent.

Another Lenten practice is that of staging Passion Plays, also introduced by St. Joseph Vas and carried forward by Fr. Jacome Gonsalves. These were modelled on the Passion Plays enacted in Goa by the Portuguese. Life size statues of the suffering Saviour in standing pasture, scourged and crowned with thorns, probably introduced by Fr. Jacome Gonsalves, are to be seen to this day in the churches at Karthar Kovil, off Madhu, Parrappankandal, of Giant's tank and the Church Our Lady of Victories at Pesalai (Mannar). The statues used at the Passion Plays at Duwa and Negombo could also be attributed to the same period. However unlike Pasan these Passion Plays have come to stay in Sri Lanka. The Boralessa Passion Play of yesteryear, by the late Lawrence Perera, was by far, the best Passion Play ever staged in Sri Lanka.

Every adult and child living in Boralessa had a role to play as is the practice in the world renowned Passion Play in Oberrammergau, Germany. Today Passion Plays of repute are staged in Duwa, Negombo, Jaela, etc.

Alms giving - last but not the least is the practice of giving alms, especially to the poor. Almsgiving is an integral part of Lent. What we save in the form of fasting and abstinence should reach out to the needy, if not our fasting and abstinence become meaningless. "Fast by sharing your food with the hungry"(Isaiah 58 : 6 - 11).

As we enter Lent, it would be most appropriate if we could meditate on the Scriptural text "Dust thou art and unto dust you returneth" - Gen 3 : 19, bearing in mind the possibility, whether this would be our last Lent? In this backdrop let us spend this grace-filled Holy Season in the way the Lord wants it most pleasing to Him.

Selasa, 13 Juni 2017


"While Peter was going on like this, babbling, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them, and sounding from deep in the cloud a voice: 'This is My Son, marked by My love, focus of My delight. Listen to Him' " - Matthew 17 : 5

Who delights me? Whom do I delight? In various seasons of life, I probably answer these questions differently. As Ecclesiastes says, there is a time for all sorts of things! In youth, my delight is in romantic ideals of love: the girlfriend, the bride, the unrequited passion of a celebrity poster in a dorm room. Later, my delight may be in the long familiar face of a spouse, favourite sister, or friend I have known since grammar school. The face of delight may belong to a child or grandchildren. If I am a mystic, the face of delight may be the beatific vision of God, the Madonna, or the saints who chat with me in privileged communion.

While Peter babbles about clinging to the privileged encounters on Transfiguration mountain, 
he nearly misses the main event. While he and James and John are transfixed by by the revealed glory of a friend they thought they knew, heaven is also gazing at the same face. Heaven knows Jesus as He always is and that celestial view is momentarily shared with these bewildered friends.

The love of God marks the one who receives and acknowledges it. Being the focus of God's delight and knowing it makes every saint radiant - which is where the idea of the halo comes from. It is why Moses came down from Sinai with a face so shiny he had to wear a veil. It is why our Lady of Guadalupe wears a full-body halo: Blessed among women, Mary gave herself up body and soul to be God's delight. When we know we are the recipient of God's love, it is impossible to hide it.

When we meet a real live saints and there some, walking around right now in places we may not expect we will know him or her by the glow. When you and I accept that we are also God's great delight, marked by that same love, we will shine too.

Lord is it true? Do You really love me that much? I am surprised I want to ask why. Because You know me better than anyone. But You also know who I can become, with enough time and grace.

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Jesus' Final Hours

In the first sermons Jesus preached to the Jews, who were His own people, He spoke of the same God they worshipped in the mosaic faith, whose Son He said He was. The Gospel He preached was a great source of light to those who lived in darkness. Many rejected His Gospel as it was not harmony with the Masonic faith they followed. They disbelieved that He was the Son of God and failed to see in Him the divine character He truly had. To them He was an ordinary human being not deserving of the recognition His faithful followers gave Him.

At that time, Jesus knew that He had come to the most critical and crucial phase of His life. His earthly life, besides His mission, was of no importance to Him, as He did not have a yearning to adapt Himself to worldly delight. But He was content that He had the desire to accomplish His divine mission during His lifetime which He expected to be short. He predicted His own death several times, as He was certain that He had to offer His life as a worthy ransom to save humans from sin. As time passed, He could only imagine that He was getting closer to a dreadful climax in His life. In that foreboding, a premonition of death unceasingly haunted His mind.

By then Jesus had a large following but His enemies were greater in strength. They made several attempts to kill Him, but He escaped deaths. Later it was the priests of the Masonic faith and the leaders of His community who plotted to have Him put to death. They decided that He should be taken by surprise after the Passover which was approaching so that they could have Him killed within the law, without causing an uproar among the people when it was done.

The day Jesus dreaded had come but not yet gone. When it was evening, He sat at table with His twelve Apostles for the Passover meal, as prearranged in a house in Jerusalem. While they were eating, He said "Truly, I say to you; one of you will betray me." They were deeply saddened and each of them asked Him in turn "You do not mean me, do you, Lord?" Replying only to Judas, He said, "You have said it." Judas then left the room in guilt. Offering them bread and wine eerie setting. In that part of the Garden, He was in the company of His chosen Apostles, Peter, James and John. As His safety was imperilled, He said in fear and grief "My soul is filled with sorrow even to death. Remain here and stay awake with Me", hoping that their presence would mitigate His anguish. But the trauma of the cruelties that would be imposed on Him by His enemies, ending with death, crossed His mind, making Him feel helpless and miserable. Moving a little away from them, He fell on His face and prayed to His Father to ease His suffering if it was His will, while not compromising on His obligation to save mankind. In His state of unbearable fear, large drops of blood formed like sweat and fell to the ground.

Just then, Judas arrived in the Garden with a group of men who were armed with swords and staves in search of Jesus. On seeing Him with His Apostles, he greeted Him with a kiss to reflect on His identity. The men quickly seized Him and led Him away to the Jewish authorities to face legal procedures.

The Jewish authorities falsely convicted Jesus of blasphemy for calling Himself the Son of God and also of being a rebel against the Roman State for saying that He was the King of the Jews. The following morning, Governor Pilate to whom He was taken, had Him scourged by his soldiers. The lethal whips they used made a stinging impact on His body which caused severe bleeding and weakened Him. In their prejudice, they crowned Him with thorns and showed no restraint in ridiculing and hurting Him. After they had dealt with Him, they took Him away to Mount Calvary where they crucified Him. Blood flowed profusely from His pierced hands and feet. The chief priests and scribes mocking at Him asked Him to come down from the cross and save Himself if He was the Son of God.

Jesus died a few hours later. Jesus' Mother, Apostle John and Mary Magdalene stood at the foot of the cross. To His Mother, it was the death of a loving Son. To Apostle John, it was the death of a beloved Master. To Mary Magdalene, it was the death of a gracious Man who saved her from death by stoning.

Total darkness prevailes over the region from midday lasting three hours, caused by an unusual opacity of the sun. It was not a natural ecliptic phenomenon. The earth shook with a rumbling noise for a short duration. Weird sounds were heard as rocks around cracked. The priests in the Temple were shocked to see the torn curtain in the Temple. These were heavenly responses to the death of the Son of God which, at that moment, opened the way for humans to a relationship with God.

The Captain in charge of the crucifixion said in fear and wonder, "Truly He was a Son of God"

Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Lent is a time to start breathing again

The words of the Prophet Joel, from the first Reading: "Return to me with all your heart! Return to the Lord!" These words, apply to everyone, and exclude no one; we all want to return to the merciful heart of the Father.

Lent, is a path that leads to the triumph of mercy over all that would crush us or reduce us to something unworthy of our dignity as God's children. The mark of ashes, received during the ceremony, reminds us of our origins, that we are dust - but, it also reminds us that God breathed life into each of us. The breath of God's life, saves us from the asphyxia that dampens our faith, cools our charity, and strangles every hope.

Lent is a time for saying no: No to spiritual asphyxia caused by indifference; no to the toxic pollution of empty and meaningless words, no to a prayer that soothes our conscience, an almsgiving that leaves us selfsatisfied, a fasting that makes us feel good, no to all forms of exclusion.

But Lent is also a time for remembering, a time to reflect and ask ourselves what we would be if God had closed His doors to us. It is a time, too, to ask where we would be without so many people who have helped us along our journey.

Lent is a time to start breathing again. The time to open our hearts to the breath of the One capable of turning our dust to humanity.

Do we read the Bible as often as we check our iPad?

If we want to fight against the temptation of sin, we must be familiar with the Word of God - treating the Bible more like how we treat our iPad.

During the forty days of Lent, as Christians we are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and address the spiritual battle against evil with the power of the Word of God. For this we have to become familiar with the Bible, read it often, meditate on it, as similate it.

Someone said: What would happen if we treated the Bible like we treat our iPad? If we always carried it with us; or at least the small pocket-sized Gospel, what would happen?

We forget our iPad - oh! We do not have it, we go back to look for it; If we read the messages of God contained in the Bible as we read the messages of the iPad.

The temptation of Jesus in the desert by Satan, the episode comes at a spesific point, soon after Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River but before His public prosecution.

He has just received the solemn investiture: the Spirit of God descended upon Him, the Father from Heaven declared him 'My beloved Son'. Jesus is now ready to begin his mission.

But first He must go up against the Enemy, Satan, who presents Him with three temptations. By means of this triple temptations, Satan wants to divert Jesus from the path of obedience and humiliation - because he knows that in this way evil will be defeated.

But the Word of God is like a shield against the poisonous arrows of the devil. Jesus doesn't use just any words - he uses the words of God, and in this way, the Son, full of the Holy Spirit, emerges victorious from the desert.

This is what we must do against the temptations of the devil. The comparison between the Bible and our iPad is strange, but sobering.

In effect, if we had the Word of God always in our heart, no temptation could turn us away from God and no obstacle could deflect us from the path of goodness. We would know how to win against the daily temptations within and around us.

We would be better able to live a resurrected like in the Spirit, accepting and loving our brothers, especially the most vulnerable and needy and even our enemies.

Let us ask the virgin Mary, the perfect icon of obedience to God and of unconditional trust to His will, to help us to listen the Word of God in the Bible and to make a real change of heart.

And please, do not forget - do not forget! - What would happen if we treated the Bible like we treat our iPad. Think about this: the Bible always with us, close to us!

Senin, 05 Juni 2017


"What do you think? My brother's daughter got seven distinctions in the School exam while my son failed in Maths. The whole family is talking about it and my son feels so downhearted," said Myrna.

"Why are you letting your family put your son down? All comparisons are odious and your son can peacefully repeat the exam if you encourage him. Just tell your son that you love him whether he passes or fails. Exams are not the be-all and end-all of life," commented Raika.

"You are a wise teacher and you understand. Why don't you speak to my son and make him feel better?" suggested Myrna, adding, "My daughter Jessica also feels that people compare her to her mother. I won a Beauty Contest when I was young and Jessica feels that she is ugly since she looks like her father who is dark and not handsome. I have told Jessica that Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder and that I consider my husband good looking and that is what counts."

"I know. People are thoughtless and they just say whatever comes in their heads. Tell your daughter that she must try to be considerate towards others and that being a nice person is more important than having a pretty face," said Raika.

"I think the fault lies in Fairy. Tales which children are exposed to at an impressionable age. The pretty princess and the handsome prince fall in love and get married and live happily ever after. So ordinary people also feel that one must be good looking to get married and be happy. They are also jealous of those who are good looking," said Myrna.

"Let us pray for everyone to be nice to each other and not compare or compete," said Raika.

Sabtu, 03 Juni 2017

A Short Way of the Cross

We can meditate on these stations during our free time, whereever we are - be it office, school or home. These stations will help us to remember Jesus and His passion amidst our busy schedules.

1. First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death.

We may have been condemned by others for no fault of ours. We may have been hurt. We may be unwanted and lonely in this world. We may be a burden for others. Let us give all those painful moments over to the Lord.

2. Second Station: Jesus Carries the Cross.

Let us remember the times when He had to carry our cross in the form of sin, sickness, pain, worry, despair, loneliness, guilt, loss of loved ones, financial problems and so on. As Jesus bore the Cross with patience, let us be patient with our cross and look forward towards greater glory.

3. Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time.

Let us remember the first time when we gave into temptation and sinned. We fell into sin and moved away from God. Let us repent and ask Jesus for His forgiveness.

4. Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother.

Let us remember our Heavenly Mother who gave birth to Jesus Christ and raised Him on this earth. Let us believe in our Heavenly Mother's powerful intercession. Mother Mary can intercede for us and obtain all graces we need in our lives. Let Mother Mary be our comfort and strength during this earthly journey.

5. Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus to Carry His Cross.

When we were burdened with our cross, when the cross was too heavy for us to carry, Jesus would have sent someone into our lives to help us carry the cross. It may have been your spouse, your parents, your children, your parents or even a stranger. Jesus would never abandon us. Let us thank Jesus for all these people who gave us hope.

6. Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus.

Let us remember our family members and friends who were there with us, to comfort us during the most painful times of our lives. Let us pray for them, for all the times they comforted us and brought back faith to our lives.

7. Seventh Station: Jesus Falls for the Second Time.

We often feel sorry and repent for our sins. We again fall into temptation and then forget everything pretty soon. We go back to our sinful lives, falling into even more greater sins. Let us surrender our hearts to the Lord and be truly repentant and sorry. Let us strive not to keep committing the same sins over and over.

8. Eight Station: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem.

Let us be compassionate and merciful to the people around us. Let us open our eyes to the people suffering in this world. As Jesus conforted the women of Jerusalem, let us have mercy on those in distress. Let our hearts reach out to the sinners and the people who yet do not know Jesus.

9. Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time.

Let this be the last time we sin. Let us make our hearts strong and pray to Jesus for strength to fight the temptations of Satan. Let us become closer to God, through Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving.

10. Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Clothes.

Surrender all those moments in your life which you wish had never ever happened and want to forget forever. It may have been a moment of great embarrasment or great shame. It may be a moment when somebody insulted you or hurt you deeply. When Jesus was stripped of His clothes, He was ashamed and hurt, but He bore everything for our sins. Let us invite Jesus to heal our wounds and surrender all painful moments of our lives to Him.

11. Eleventh Station: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross.

Let us give up our sinful life. Let all our sins be nailed to the cross so that we can live a new life in Jesus. As Jesus endured unbearable pain while being nailed to the cross, let us bear our sorrows with patience and hold on to life.

12. Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross.

Let the Sinful Man in us die on the cross along with Jesus. Let us resolve to never sin again and avoid all temptation.

13. Thirteenth Station: The Body of Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross.

Jesus, you died for our sins and
purchased for us the reward of eternal life. Let us always keep that in our minds  and live this life with hope.

14. Fourteenth Station: Jesus is Laid in the Tomb.

Let us look forward to the Eternal Life that Jesus has offered us by giving His own life as ransom. Let us pray to Jesus for the grace of a happy death.