Senin, 05 Juni 2017


"What do you think? My brother's daughter got seven distinctions in the School exam while my son failed in Maths. The whole family is talking about it and my son feels so downhearted," said Myrna.

"Why are you letting your family put your son down? All comparisons are odious and your son can peacefully repeat the exam if you encourage him. Just tell your son that you love him whether he passes or fails. Exams are not the be-all and end-all of life," commented Raika.

"You are a wise teacher and you understand. Why don't you speak to my son and make him feel better?" suggested Myrna, adding, "My daughter Jessica also feels that people compare her to her mother. I won a Beauty Contest when I was young and Jessica feels that she is ugly since she looks like her father who is dark and not handsome. I have told Jessica that Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder and that I consider my husband good looking and that is what counts."

"I know. People are thoughtless and they just say whatever comes in their heads. Tell your daughter that she must try to be considerate towards others and that being a nice person is more important than having a pretty face," said Raika.

"I think the fault lies in Fairy. Tales which children are exposed to at an impressionable age. The pretty princess and the handsome prince fall in love and get married and live happily ever after. So ordinary people also feel that one must be good looking to get married and be happy. They are also jealous of those who are good looking," said Myrna.

"Let us pray for everyone to be nice to each other and not compare or compete," said Raika.

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