Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

No Matter How Big Your Problem, You Can Find Comfort In The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

I was at first confounded to learn that Padre Pio said the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus every day for all his spiritual children and for everyone who asked for his prayers.

It would have been a very long list of people to commend to the Sacred Heart of our Lord - and praying one novena for the many intentions of so many seemed to me to be spreading the grace thin.

But then I was immature in my trust in our Lord and underestimating the magnificent power of prayer that appeals directly to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, full of love for us.

Following Padre Pio's example, I decided to come before our Lord's heart with large intentions and our Lord has not been found lacking in generosity.

One favour that I believe was granted by the Sacred Heart stands out in my mind. I was on my way to a prayer vigil outside an abortion clinic. It was only going to be me and another lady. I knew from experience that normally about a dozen pregnant women would go in for an abortion during a two-hour span. I prayed to the Sacred Heart for the intention that not one girl would go in for an abortion during the two-hour vigil. Standinh outside the clinic for those two hours that day, not one girl went through the clinic doors for an abortion. I believe that the Sacred Heart (with Padre Pio on the case, too) took the mothers and babies into His heart and protected them.

Now I readily appreciate that the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. I recommend everyone to offer the novena to the Sacred Heart for every kind of pressing intention, no matter how big the problem is, and experience Our Lord's immeasurable kindness.

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