Sabtu, 30 Desember 2017


Beloved friends,

Let me wish you all a Peaceful & Holy Christmas and all the blessings of New Year.

We had come to Christmas and Christmas speaks to us about a birth of a child and that is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was born to redeem us but He became a man and was born like a baby. Like other baby who is born in this planet, God gave human life to Him in the form of His birth.

Now, what is important is when we celebrate Christmas it is essential to focus our attention on life and very specially on human life. For this reason let us welcome life in all its forms as part of the celebration of Christmas. Very specially let us love  our children and focus  our attention on our children as much as possible, because our children are the richness of our heritage. They will make this world.

Christmas reminds us that we have to love our children, protect our children, protect their rights and make them feel happy and welcome them in our midst; therefore, anything that we do to disrupt life in its initial stages or later on should be stopped. We must respect human life to the best of our ability. This will also be Christmas because if Mary & Joseph practiced selfishness, then they could have easily rejected this call of God for Jesus to be born among them. As parents let us love our children and let us make this Christmas a Christmas of happiness very specially for our children.

At the same time I would also like to appeal that Christmas be made a celebration without damaging and harming nature especially the practice of bringing Christmas trees. Cutting so many trees every year is harmful and it will damage our beautiful country and ecological balance. It is very important for us to preserve nature and also not to use too much of polythene or polythene products which will beautify our houses and our premises and then we will throw them away and they will accumulate as garbage and make it a human problem thereafter. We should not contribute to the pollution of our beautiful planet. Pollution is not Christmas.

I make an appeal very specially to all of you to desist from doing that and make Christmas more a matter of reflection and prayer and a moment of happiness which is shared with all the others, in the humblest possible form which is not offensive to others but which is positive and helpful to bring relationships together and make a peaceful atmosphere in our own villages and towns and make Christmas a celebration that is deeply spiritual.

Once again I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a happy New Year.

God bless you all!

Yogyakarta, 31'st of December 2017. (Johanes Baptista OMI)

Jumat, 29 Desember 2017


Today upon a bus, I saw a lovely maid with golden hair;
I envied her - she seemed so gay - and wished I were as fair.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle;
She had one foot and wore a crutch;
but as she passed, a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two feet - the world is mine.

And then I stopped to buy some sweets.
The lad who sold them had such charm,
I talked with him - he said to me;
"It's nice to talk with folks like you."
"You see" he said, "I'm blind!"
Oh God forgive me when I whine.
I have two eyes - the world is mine.

Then, walking down the street, I saw a child with eyes of blue.
He stood & watched the others play;
It seemed he knew not what to do.  I stopped for a moment, then I said:
"Why don't you join the others dear?"
He looked ahead without a word,
and then I knew he could not hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine;  I have two ears: the world is mine.

With feet to take me where I'd go,
With eyes to see the sunset's glow,
With ears to hear what I would know.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I'm blessed, indeed. The world is mine.

Yogyakarta, 28'th of December 2017

Selasa, 26 September 2017

Passing Thoughts on the Passing of Time

              In the midst of life we are in death. This is brought home to us when those known to us closely, pass away. Death is the only certainty in life.

            Today, there is the category of the aging population. A good percentage of the population is in this aging process and we continually hear of someone or other of this generation passing away. Undoubtedly they have lived their life; lived to a ripe old age, well pass the Biblical span of three score and ten and there should be no regrets. Nevertheless death inevitably leaves a heartache. Long – forgotten memories are awakened – nostalgic bitter – sweet memories. Bitter over the pain of parting and sweet for the fragrant, lingering memories left behind. Like the haunting strains that linger in the heart and mind long after the music is over – thankful for that music. We are never really parted so long as memories remain.

            Some of us encounter each other or one another, seasonally, periodically, after a lapse of time and on such memorable occasions the profound topic of death, invariably creeps into conversation, as all are necessarily in the departure lounge awaiting the great flight. Very often the parting words are “See you again God willing”. On one such occasion in the not too distant past a parting remark directed as me was “I wonder if and when we’ll meet again.” I was reminded of Bard’s quote “If we should meet again we shall but smile; if not this. Parting was well made” and it did after all turn out to be portentous. I am thankful however that quite unwittingly I made the parting in anticipation.

            How come we do not appreciate or at least show any recognition, sometimes even to the point of ignoring when people are alive but are haunted by memories when they are dead. This is the way of the world. The rush and fret and the fever of life leave us no time for such compliments or so we think.

            What is this life is full of care

            We have no time to stand and stare

            Little cherished incidents suddenly crop up from somewhere in the sub-conscious; they surface only then when people are dead. This leaves much food for thoughts and digestion.

            So this is the inevitable transience of life. But through it all permeates the promise of the Lord. “I am the Resurrection and the Life” and the words of Donne echo “Death where is thy sting? Death where is thy victory?” for the Lord has promised eternal life in the portals of the Lord for those who believe in Him.

Kamis, 14 September 2017

Does Jealousy Block Our Happiness?

Almost everybody has it but nobody likes it. But unfortunately it is seen in most human beings in varying degrees. Its called the green-eyed monster ... 'jealousy'.

If no one wants it and if it is destructive why do people cherish it? May be because they do not know the harm it does, why and how it starts and how to eradicate it.  Do we think we too may have it? If the answer is 'no', great! We will be blessed with peace of mind.  If we are an unfortunate soul filled with jealousy, try to shed it and be free. It is rewarding.

Why do we experience jealousy? Jealousy is simply a combination of selfishness and lack of self confidence. As long as we have a generous heart and self confidence, we will have no feelings of jealousy at all. When we are not secure, when we are not confident about our abilities, our potential and our skills, we become jealous. We are scared of being replaced. "If I cannot have it, you can't have it!" is the basic theme of a jealous person. Others may have many riches,  talents, opportunities. So what? Why should we have what all the others have? It is not necessary. It is not what they have that burn us, but our heart. Our thoughts. We should learn to change the way we think,the way we feel and act. Breaking free from jealousy starts with our thoughts.

Understanding our own worth is the best and probably the fastest and surest way. Each one of us is unique. Believe and enjoy that thought. Feel it and be confident about the fact that we are special. We do not lose anything by being happy about others' happiness. Our happiness comes when we are a blessing to them. A jealous person cannot be blessing.

Secondly, comparison gives way to jealousy. We always try to compare ourselves with others and try to do better. This competitive attitude is destructive and makes us bitter, not better. People who feel inadequate, insecure, or overly dependent tend to be more jealous than others. When competition, comparison and feeling of inadequacy are combined, it is a negative force. When we see someone excelling at something or threatening, we become jealous. Stop comparing ourselves to other people. We are unique and we do not have to compete and defeat anyone to be a winner. Be happy that we have qualities that others do not have and try to be a blessing to someone else. We experience happiness only when we are a blessing to someone else. God has given us so many wonderful gifts that many other people do not have. Focus on using those gifts to help someone else.

Learn this art soon. Do not delay. Otherwise, whenever someone gets something that we wanted, we will feel insecure and jealous, and we will be continously unhappy and disturbed. If we are confident about ourselves and if we have a good heart there will be no jealousy in us.

Rabu, 13 September 2017

By The Side of The Suffering

A Mysterious Paralysis

When 14 year old Shane Roof told his dad Darrel Roof that he was not feeling well as they both mowed the lawn before a family cookout for Mother's Day at their home in Louisville, Kentucky, he did not think anything of it, recounts Caitlin Keating.

"I told him to go into the house and lay down," Darrel says of the incident. "When I walked in about  an hour later he said his leg was feeling funny."

Not even three hours later, Shane, a straight - A athlete who had no prior medical history and was looking forward to his upcoming 8th grade graduation, would be rushed to Norton's Children Hospital after those mild symptoms quickly took a turn for the worst: A mysterious paralysis.

Endless unknowns

At the hospital, Shane was struggling to breathe and move his body. After ruling out a tick bite or lyme disease, he was diagnosed with a spinal cord infarction, which is an interruption to the blood supply in the spinal cord. The infarction was the result of either a viral attack or stroke.

While he continues to regain more and more movement in his lower extremities, they are still at a loss over what happened.

"The prognosis is unclear and we expect a challenging road to recovery", says Dr. Montgomerry.

Darrel, 40, says they are struck in a gray area, but they are trying to remain hopeful. "We have our ups and downs because we sometimes get those bad thoughts," he says. "What if he doesn't recover from this? What the future for him?"

We want him back. They cannot give us any answers. There is no set plan. We just have unknowns, but Shane is so strong. According to his mom, Alexandra Roof, Shane is now able to move his right leg and toes, right wrist and fingers and will hopefully be moving to the Frazier Rehab Institute in Kentucky in the next week or two.

He also has a cuffed tracheostomy that blocks his vocal cords. When his lungs get stronger, they will switch it out for a speaking valve, but for now, they are forced to lip read. When they cannot understand what he is saying, Darrel made a headband with a laser light so Shane can spell out a word from a poster board that has the alphabet written on it.

"It's so hard as a parent to see our child in pain and not be able to comfort him," she says. "We are moving forward, which is a good thing. We continue to remain positive and help him stay strong."

Pushing Forward

Darrel & Alexandra have spent everyday with Shane at the hospital and sleep in his hospital room each night. "We have had an unbelievable amount of friends and family supporting us," he says. "We want to be here and we want to be comforting for our son."

It also helps Shane's parents to see how strong he has been through the entire ordeal. "Shane is amazingly tough. He has expressed to us that he wants to go home," says Darrel. "I think he understands and is staying optimistic. He is taking it really well. He is super strong willed and loving." This case is but one of the many unresolved enigmatic ailments.

The Why of Suffering

It sounds mysterious, but God is always on the side of the suffering. In the local scene, garbage dump disaster and floods left many people suffering in its wake. Hundred of families lost  their loved ones. Others have been displaced from their homes. Then came the dengue epidemic. In the face of all these, we may be wondering about the why of such human sufferings?

The chain of whys and wherefores  will be interminable,  unless we turn our gaze to Christ crucified. The final answer is found in Jesus Christ who "emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross". (Phil 2: 7 - 8)

Why did Jesus suffer so much bloody tortures as He went through His Passion and Death on Calvary? What evil has He done to deserve all these?

Suffering was transformed by God into a means of redemption. It would be the instrument by which God will show His almighty love and power. He will lay down His life for our sake and will take it up again.

Jesus' omnipotence is manifested precisely in the fact that He freely accepted suffering. He could have chosen not to do so. He could have chosen to demonstrate His omnipotence even at the crucifixion. In fact, it was proposed to Him: "Let the Messiah, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross that we may see and believe." (Mrk 15 : 32)

But He did not accept that challenge. The fact that He stayed on the cross until the end, the fact  that on the Cross He could say, as do all who suffer: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mk 15:34), has remained in human history the strongest argument. If the agony on the Cross had not happened, the truth that God is love would have been unfounded.

Yes! God is love & precisely for this He gave His son, to reveal Himself completely as Love. Christ is the One who "loved to the end" (Jn 13:1).  "To the end" means to the last breath. "To the end"means accepting all the consequences of man's sin,  taking it upon Himself.

All these happened exactly as Prophet Isaiah affirmed: " It was our infirmities that he bore. We had all gone astray like sheep, each following his own way. But the Lord laid upon him the guilt of us all." (Is 53: 4 - 6).

Suffering Servant of Yahweh

That mysterious "Suffering Servant of Yahweh" in the book of Isaiah is Jesus. The "Man of Suffering" is the revelation of that Love which "endures all things" (1 Cor 13: 7), of that Love which is the "greatest" (Verse 13). It is the revelation not only that God is love but also the One who "pours out love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit" (Rom 5:5).

In the end, before Christ Crucified, the man who shares in redemption will have the advantage over the man who sets himself up as an unbending judge of God's actions in his own life as well as in that of all humanity.

Thus we find ourselves at the centre of the history of salvation. The judgement of God becomes a judgment of man. The divine realm and the human realm of this event meet, cross and overlap.

Christianity is a religion of salvation. It is a soteriological religion, to use the theological term. In the New Testament the Greek, word Soteria means rescue or safety whether physically or morally, deliver, save, health.

Christian soteriology focuses on the Paschal Mystery. In order to hope for salvation from God, man must stop beneath Christ's Cross. Then, the Sunday after the Holy Sabbath, he must stand in front of the empty tomb and listen, like the women of Jerusalem: "He is not here, for He has been raised" (Mt. 28:6)

Contained within the Cross and the Resurrection is the certainty that God saves man, that He saves him through Christ, through His Cross and His Resurrection.

Thus, when we choose to identify ourselves with the suffering of Jesus in His Passion and Death on the Cross, we find meaning in our sufferings, trials, ailments, etc. God transforms them and grants them redeeming value.

Senin, 04 September 2017

Please, Lord, even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.

Prophet Isaiah proclaims the goodness of the Lord. He wants all to be faithful and obedient to the covenant and thereby live a righteous life. God will take to His kingdom those who live a good and a dedicated life.

St. Paul preaching to the Jews wants them to turn to the Lord so that the other Jews who look at them too would come back to the Lord. He speaks of their rejection and their disobedience which brought about the salvation of mankind.

Jesus is moved by the faith of the Canaanite woman and cures her daughter, thus proving that salvation is not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles.

The Jews at first were of the opinion that they were an exclusive race because they were named the chosen race; the Promised Land was theirs. Besides the patriachs, prophets and kings are from among them and lastly the Saviour too was to come from among them. So the Jews thought that salvation, God  and the kingdom of God, heaven...etc, were only for them. But today we are showed that salvation is not only for the Jews but also for the Gentiles. Being a Jew alone will not save us but being  faithful to God and being good will save us. There are certain divine standards that are expected of us to be saved. That could be observed both, by the Jews as well as the Gentiles. Therefore, whoever remains  faithful will be saved.

Prophet Isaiah announces to the people the message of the Lord: that God would save us all those who lead righteous lives. Even the foreigners, who serve the Lord with dedication, observe the Sabbath and hold fast to His covenant will be saved. He will bring them to the Holy Mountain and make them joyful in His house of prayer and their offering would be accepted at His altar. For His house shall be called a house of prayer for all people.

St. Paul ministers to the Gentiles so that through shame at least the Jews would turn to the Lord and be saved. He wants them to be faithful and obedient. He recalls their disobedience, which brought about their salvation and imagines what faithfulness and obedience could bring.

It is not a Jewish woman but rather a Canaanite woman who came to Jesus begging  him to cure her possessed daughter. Here He makes it clear that His ministry is for Jews only but is moved by the faith that was shown by this Canaanite woman. It is not the bother of this Canaanite woman; not the request of the Apostles that made Jesus perform that miracle but rather  it was the tremendous faith that was shown by the Canaanite woman which moved Him to save her.

Therefore whether Jews or not, let us turn to the Lord in faith and He will do the needful for us so that we would be with Him in the kingdom of God.

Minggu, 03 September 2017

"O Woman, Great is your Faith! Let it be done for you as you wish!" - Matthew 15 : 21 - 28

We see how a Canaanite woman incessantly cries out to Jesus, " Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.... Lord, help me!"In answer to her, Jesus seems to be silent,  while His disciples show their reluctance to entertain her presence, "Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us." Then Jesus breaks His silence only to say "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of the Israel... It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs."  But she does not seem  to  have lost her courage, for she replies, "Please, Lord, for even  the dogs eat the scraps  that fall from the table  of their masters." Then Jesus acknowledges the depth  of her faith and grants  her request, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done  for you as you wish!"

Jesus heals Jews as well as non-Jews and males as well as females. He heals in and out of Palestine. Jesus' healing power goes beyond all man-made boundaries of ethnicity, gender and geography.

The repeated cries and the undaunted following of  the Canaanite woman have to be noted. More not worthy and remarkable  is her reply to the Lord: " Please, Lord, for even the dogs  eat the scraps  that fall from the table of their masters." They all manifest the depth of  faith and confidence she has  had in Jesus  the Healer.  She neither doubts nor questions  what Jesus says. She acknowledges her littleness or nothingness and the Master's greatness. She accepts her "dog role" of waiting for God's mercy as dispensed by Jesus. She is a faith - filled mother. It is this faith, professed in a Gentile land by a Gentile woman, which is rewarded at the end. It is this prrsistent, dogged spirit that is paid  off dramatically.

How ready are we to confront the odds to achieve something we esteem? "What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - It's the size of the fight in the dog" says Dwight D. Eisenhower.

How are we to respond when God seems distant and does not answer our prayer? Faith impels us to keep calling to God, even it may seem futile. Jesus seems to be silent, ignoring and unfavourable while the disciples show reluctance or annoyance. But the woman keeps crying out after them. She is persistent!

The Canaanite woman comes to Jesus not for herself but for another, her own daughter. She comes out of love.  She comes as a loving and faith-filled mother.  Following her example, today  we need to go to Jesus in praying asking His blessings  upon our own children, parents, brothers & sisters. Let's also ask, "How often do we approach God with selfish and self-centered demands that He do what we would like done?"

The apparently harsh language of Jesus needs clarification. "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel... It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." It is true Israel is God's chosen people. Hence they need to be found and fed first. But does Jesus exclude the Gentiles from mission? It is clear Jesus observed the limitation of "only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" during His ministry. It was kept for practical reasons since His ministry was very much limited by time. It was not that He excluded the Gentiles on ethnic grounds as His fellow Jews would do. He had the Gentile mission already in mind to be given to the disciples in future. In fact, by healing the centurion's servant and the Canaanite daughter He anticipated the mission to the Gentiles.

Out of contempt, the Jews called the Gentiles dogs or swine. Does Jesus despise the Gentiles with the term, "dogs"? Can He be charged with bigotry and racism? What Jesus uses here is a diminutive form, 'kunarion',  which refers to lap or house or little dogs, not street dogs, 'kuon'. So He seems to use the word so affectionately just as we today use the word 'rascal' so affectionately, when we say, "You, my little rascal!".

The woman's response indicates this affection of Jesus. She seems to say, "I know your priority must now be with Israel. But as you feed Israel, could you not slip food to their pets when their parents are not looking?"

There are various other views which need some attention:
1. In the encounter, Jesus is deliberately provocative so as to evoke faith on the part of the woman. He doesn't mean what He says. He tries to draw more from her.
2. Jesus takes this opportunity to teach His disciples something new. He voices deliberately the typical Jewish attitudes about the Gentiles so that the disciples could recognize their inadequacy.
3. Jesus the Jew learns and grows from this encounter. He realizes that God has bread for Gentiles too. His horizons are widened at this threshold moment.

Jesus Went to the Cross for Sinners, not to the Perfect

Pope Francis has said the Church does not exist for people without faults, but for sinners in need of God's Mercy - a point he often returns to - and lamented the fact that there are many Catholics who believe the opposite.

We who are accustomed to experiencing the forgiveness of sins, perhaps too much like 'a cheap market', we should at times remind ourselves of how much we cost the love of God.

Jesus didn't go to the Cross because He heals the sick, because He preaches charity or because He proclaims the beautitudes. Rather, the Son of God goes to the Cross above all because He forgives sins, because He wants the total, definitive freedom of man's heart.

He does not accept that the human being consumes their entire existence with this irremovable 'tattoo', with the thought of not being able to be welcomed by the merciful  heart of God.

And this, is how sinners are forgiven. Not only are they reassured at a psychological level, feeling free from a sense of guilt, but Jesus does more: "He offers the people who have erred the hope of a new life, a life marked by love."

After Jesus forgives the sins of a woman who anoints his feet with oil, Simon the Pharisee asks "who is this who even forgives sins?"

Jesus' act of forgiving the woman's sins was a scandalous gesture, noting that to have a known sinner come into the house of Simon to anoint Jesus was startling, because at the time the mentality was between the holy and the sinner, the pure and the impure, the separation had to be clear.

But the attitude of Jesus is different, noting that from the beginning of His ministry, Jesus embraced lepers, the sick and the marginalised.

Such behaviour was by no means normal, so much so that Jesus' sympathy for the excluded, for the untouchables, will be one of the most disturbing things for his contemporaries. Whereever there is a person suffering, Jesus cares for them, and that suffering becomes his own.

Rather than following the stoic philosophers, who linked physical suffering to sin and believed such punishment had to be endured with heroism, Jesus shared in human pain, and when He encounters it, from the depths of His being bursts that attitude which characterises Christianity: Mercy.

Jesus shows compassion, but literally: Jesus feels His inside quiver. This is often referenced in the Gospels, where Jesus incarnate reveals the heart of God and offers healing to those who are suffer.

It is for this reason that Jesus extends His hands to sinners. There are many people today living a life of error because they can't find anyone willing to  look at them in a different way, with their eyes, or better,  with the heart of God, which is hope. At times we forget that Jesus did not act with an easy love that comes  for a cheap price. Jesus understands not only the physical pain of those who suffer, but also the internal pain of those  who feel that they are bad people or that there is something essential "wrong" with them because of their faults.

How God did not choose people who have never done wrong as the first dough to form His church. Rather, the Church is a people of sinners who experience the mercy and forgiveness of God, St Peter understood the truth about himself when the cock crowed, instead of his generous works, which swelled his chest, making him feel superior to others.

The Church is not for the perfect, but for sinners. We can think of a lot of Catholics who think they are perfect and they despise others and this is sad.

We are all poor sinners in need of God's Mercy,  which has the strength to transform us and radiate hope to us every day.

And to the people who understand this, God gives the most beautiful mission in the world, which is to tell of God's Love  for their brothers & sisters,  and the announcement of a Mercy  that God does not deny to anyone.

Sabtu, 02 September 2017

A dog named Grigio

Many are the strories and even books that have been written about special dogs.

There were dogs who saved their owners lives, dogs who helped bring criminals to justice, dogs who fought in wars and dogs so loyal to their masters and who served them so well so that their stories become part of history.

Such was a dog called "Grigio"

Grigio was much like other dogs we have heard or read about, with this difference; no one ever knew where he came from and no one will ever knew for sure where he went.

Let me tell you his story ...

Saint John Bosco, the beloved founder of the Salesians and boys' schools, was returning home late one day. Because he did much good, and was a true and great saint, there were many evil people who hated him and wanted him to see him dead. He has already been attacked morw than once and on this particular night, as he walk through the deserted streets of Turin, in northern Italy, he was prudently anxious, even though he was an extraordinarily strong man.

Suddenly, he saw a great big dog approaching him. In size and appearance he looked like a wolf, with a long snout,  pointed ears, and gray fur. At first, Don Bosco feared  the dog would attack, but drawing near, he showed every sign of friendliness. Wagging his tail, he snuggled his nose into Don Bosco's hand and gently pawed at his cassock. For the rest of the Saint's homeward journey  the burly hound walked behind him up to the gate of the Oratory of the Saint Francis de Sales.

And then he vanished!

From then on, every time Don Bosco was out late, the hound appeared out nowhere and followed him to and Fr. Don Bosco named him Grigio, which means gray, because that was the colour of his fur. One of the boys at the Oratory, Don Bosco's school, described him: "I saw a large, strong-looking beast that made me think of a wolf. He had gray fur and a big head; his ears were straight and pointed and he stood a little over three feet high."

One night, Don Bosco was making his way aback to the Oratory in the company of a good friend. They walked together for most of the journey, but at a certain point they had to go their sperate ways.  Before the two men parted company, Don Bosco  prayed to Our Lady for her protection  and recommended  the rest of the trip to his guardian angel. No sooner had he said this prayer then Grigio trotted up to them.  At the sight  of the dog, Don Bosco's friend  was terrified. "Don't worry", said Don Bosco "Grigio is my friend".

Unconvinced, his compannion tried to chase the dog away and even hurled a few stones at him. Grigio was struck several times but showed not the slightest  reaction. Don Bosco's friend was amazed, " Don Bosco, it can't be a real dog! It's a ghost!"

The man was so intrigued  that he accompanied Don Bosco to the entrance of the Oratory.There, suddenly, Grigio was gone.

"What is this?" the man wanted to know. "Where did he go?" "Was it a real dog?!" By this time he was so upset  and frightened that he was trembling. Don Bosco had to ask two  his bigger boys to accompany his friend home!

Grigio in Action

Now we shall see Grigio in action. Don Bosco himself tells us about it.

"Around the end of the November of 1854, one dark, rainy night, I was returning from the city. Avoiding the desolate and lonely places,  I took the road that leads from  the Consolata to the Cottolengo.

At a certain point I realised  that two men were walking a short distance in front of me. When I quickened my steps, they quickened theirs; when I slowed down, they slowed down. When I tried to pass them, they deftly barred my way. I then tried to retrace my steps but it was too late; suddenly, taking two leaps towards me, they quietly threw a dark cloak over my face. I struggled to free myself, but it was useless. One was trying to gag me. I tried to shout, but in vain.

At that moment, Grigio appeared, growling like a bear. He sprang with his paws towards the face of one and with his fangs towards the other  in such a way that they were  entangling the hound   instead of me.

"Call off your dog! Call off your dog!" they shouted in terror.

 "Yes, I will, but you must leave travelers alone."

"Allright, Allright," said the bandits, "but call him off, call him off now!"

Grigio continued howling like a furious wolf  or bear. I called him and he immediately left them.

They went their way and Grigio, walking beside me, kept me company until we reached the Cottolengo."

Every time Don Bosco went out he saw Grigio coming to meet him just as soon as he passed all the houses and buildings and began to tread isolated areas. Many times he was seen by the boys at Oratory and they even played with him and stroked his gray coat he was known among them as Don Bosco's dog  and, therefore, much liked. And he liked them. With Don Bosco's friends he was the gentlest of creatures, but with the saint's enemies he was like a lion.

Not only did Grigio escort Don Bosco on dangerous trips, he sometimes kept him from setting out on them. One evening Don Bosco had to go into the city for something important his saintly mother, Margarita, who lived with him until her death, insisted that it was too late and thus too dangerous for such a trip. Bound by his sense of duty, Don Bosco insisted on going. Calling a couple of his boys, he set out, but at the gate of the Oratory lay Grigio.

"He has been there quite a while," explained some of the boys. "We tried to make him go away and even took a stick to him, but he kept coming back."

"You don't have to worry about Grigio," said Don Bosco. "I can leave without fear now. Let's go, Grigio!".

Instead of following Don Bosco as he usually did, Grigio stiffened, his lips curled into a menacing snarl and he let out a deep growl. Surprised, Don Bosco nudged the dog lightly with the tip of his shoe. Grigio growled a second time. Don Bosco tried to climb over him, but the dog retreated and kept on growling. When Don Bosco tried to go around him, the dog rose up and blocked his path. The boys shouted at the mastiff but dared  not say anything further against an angry Grigio.

Hearing the noise, his Mother Margarita came out to see what was happening. "The dog has more sense than you John!" she scolded. "I would not go out if I were you!"

Don Bosco was finally persuaded. to stay home.  A little later he heard a commotion outside. Someone was saying, "Don't let Don Bosco out tonight! Some men are hiding  in the old house at the end  of the road and they have sworn to kill him as soon as he leaves the Oratory!"

 How did Grigio know? Grigio was  certainly a very unusual dog.

A dog that did not Eat, Age or Die

Another oddity about Grigio was that he would never take any food that was offered to him. One evening, Don Bosco had arrived  at the Oratory much earlier than expected because a friend, the Marquis Fasatti,  had lent him his coach. Don Bosco was having supper  when he overheard someone outside say, "Leave him alone! That's Don Bosco's dog!"

A little later some of the boys led the mastiff into the dining room. He immediately dashed to Don Bosco, bounding around his chair in delight. The saint offered him something to eat but the dog paid no attention to it. "You are a very proud dog." Don Bosco chided. "If you won't eat this, what will you eat?"

Placing his front paws on the table, Grigio looked mutely at Don Bosco for a moment. That done, he trotted to the back of the room and ran out the door: It seems he had expected to find Don Bosco on the road that day. Since our Saint had come by coach, Grigio had only wanted to make sure that he was safely home. 

Grigio accompanied Don Bosco for many years, so many that a lady once told him that it was impossible for a dog to live that long. Don Bosco only smiled and said, "maybe he is the son or the grandson or the first one."

But, as Grigio had come, so Grigio left. One day, Don Bosco went to visit an old friend, Luis Moglia. He had been invited to dinner, but having been detained he started our later than he had wished. As he walked, the sun began to set and he suddenly found himself wishing that Grigio were by his side. At that moment, he spied the dog joyfully running towards him!

Upon reaching his friend's house, Don Bosco and his host visited and talked and then the whole family went into the dinning room for dinner: Grigio came in with them and lay down in one corner of the room.

After a while someone remembered the dog and said, "We should give Grigio something to eat." The person turned toward the corner where the dog had been lying, but it was vacant. They looked for him around the room and then throughout the house, but he was nowhere to be found. 

Everyone was amazed, for neither the door nor. any window had been opened and the other dogs outside had never barked. 

Grigio was never seen again.

Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

WHEN TO BE SILENT (and the Bible says)

1. Be silent in the heat of anger - Prov 14 : 17

2. Be silent when you do not have all the facts - Prov 18 : 13

3. Be silent when you have not verified the story - Deut 17 : 6

4. Be silent when it is time to listen - Prov 13 : 1

5. Be silent when you are tempted to make of holy things - Eccl 5 : 2

6. Be silent when you are tempted to joke about sin - Prov 14 : 9

7. Be silent if you would be ashamed  of your words later - Prov 8 : 8

8. Be silent if your words would convey the wrong impression - Prov 17 : 27

9. Be silent if the issue is none of your business - Prov 14 : 10

10. Be silent when you are tempted to tell an outright lie - Prov 4 : 24

11. Be silent if your words will damage someone else's reputation - Prov 16 : 27

12. Be silent if your words will damage a friendship - Prov 16 : 28

13. Be silent when you are feeling critical - James 3 : 9

14. Be silent if you can not say it without screaming it - Prov 25 : 28

15. Be silent if your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family - 1 Peter 2 : 21 - 23

16. Be silent if you may have to eat your words later - Prov 18 : 21

17. Be silent if you have already said it more than one time - Prov 19 : 13

18. Be silent when you are tempted to flatter a wicked person - Prov 24 : 24

19. Be silent when you are supposed to be working instead - Prov 14 : 23

"Whoever guards his mouth and  tongue keep his soul from troubles" - Prov 21: 23

"Be still, and know that I am God" - Ps 46 : 10

Senin, 24 Juli 2017

An Adequate Response

The Holy Spirit is often described as the bond of love that exists between the Father and the Son. The mutual self-donational and self-communicative intimate bond between the Father and the Son is so perfect that perfect love exists between the two. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is the Love between the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is consubstantial with the Father and the Son. This divine mystery occurs because the goodness of God must be communicated and shared.

But the Most Holy Trinity must communicate its goodness. This explains the existence of the whole of creation. It affords a place for the Most Holy Trinity to communicate its goodness and share God's divine life. We are then called into existence out of pure love. Humanity has the capacity to receive and enter into a relationship with divine love. We also have the capacity to communicate, share, and love the Most Holy Trinity.

This is the call to holiness and wholeness in the life of every person, the call to respond to the love of God poured into our hearts. What is the right and adequate response to a God who would give himself to us - and even die - so we might know the depths of his mercy and love?

There is only one proper response - the gift of self. We give ourselves in loving service to the one who gave himself in loving service to us.

Holiness is setting oneself aside for the purposes of God.  We realize our lives are not our own. We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. And so, if we claim a relationship with him, we are bound to God and offer ourselves in service to our sisters and brothers, who are also the children of God. This service in love brings us  wholeness at both a personal and communal level.

When we allow the love God into our lives, we can be healed from all our sins, the injuries other people may have inflicted upon us, and our selfish desires. This offers true freedom, which allows us to reach out to those  in need, show them the love of God, and bring healing to their lives.

In doing go, our pain begins to take on new meaning. The story doesn't end in pain, but rather, mutual healing. The result is a whole community in unity who can offer fitting thanksgiving and praise to show their love of God.

Selasa, 18 Juli 2017

Grapes From Heaven and Graves From The Earth

I like grapes. Don't you? It is a Christian fruit I believe. I think whoever loves Jesus, would no doubt love grapes, because the Gospel are full of grapes.

Jesus often spoke of grapes and wines and vines and vineyards in His parables. He turned water into wine. He spoke of the workers in vineyards, about sending labourers to God's vineyard. He used 'vine' metaphorically to expound His loving bond with us. "I am  the vine and you are the branches," he said.

A beautiful blessed and soothing fruit!  Isn't it?

Why so much of talk about grapes?

Well, it is to symbolise our relationship with God. To represent all the good things we receive from God, and all the good things we can give back to God.

During Holy Mass we remember grapes very meaningfully.

Our sweat, our energy, our good will, our joys and sorrows, our hopes and expectations, our trust in God, et al, are all offered to God through the annointed hand of the Priest. God accepts our offerings and He in turn gives us back the most precious gift a human can receive the body and the blood  of our precious Lord! In fact Jesus chose the fruit of the vine to transform into His precious blood.

So, when I say grapes from heaven, it means everything that comes from the God's abundance.

But are we ready to receive?

How can we make ourselves worthy of heavenly grapes?

The answer is clear. Simply do what Jesus says. You don't need deep theology or philosophy to please God or obey God.

"Do as He says" said Jesus' mother to the servants at the wedding at Cana. They simply did as they were told and filled the vessels with water. And Jesus performed a miracle.

Water became vine. Fruit of man's obedience transformed into a gift of heaven.

Jesus can and will do miracles in our lives too if we do as He says.

What does He say?

"Seek first the Kingdom of God. and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6 : 33).

So, this is our homework. Are we doing 'as He says' ?

Are we seriously seeking  the kingdom of God here on earth? Or are we striving to build our own earthly kingdom?

Are we seeking our own vain glory, our comfort and pleasure at the cost of others'pain? Are we engaged in a crazy rat race to compete with others to become popular and powerful? Are we going after money, material possessions or improper sex? Are we neglecting our duties  and responsibilities towards our dependents? Are we running after imaginary gods, soothsayers, astrologers? Are we dishonest?  If so, we are not seeking God's kingdom, we are digging our metaphorical graves for our 'breathing dead bodies'.

Think about Jesus. Believe His words. We don't need deep theology or philosophy to please God or obey God.Do as He says, if we need a miraculous transformation. We can either be nourished by Heavenly grapes or perish in earthly graves. The choice is ours!

When God Calls

We all receive annunciations in life; whether they are good or bad we should always seek guidance from God and reliable people about them.

We have all heard annunciations. "I am pregnant" "I got a job" "We bought a house" Some annunciations are tragic: "You have six months to live." "There's been an accident." "We found the body."

In many annunciations, it may seem that we do not have a choice. However, we do. We can choose how to respond: Will we be joyful or upset over the pregnancy? Will we focus on the new job's benefits or deficiencies? Will we anticipate moving with eagerness or bitterness? If we have only six months to live, will we enjoy the time and repair relationships or will we wallow in self-pity? In an accident, will we accept God's will or will we dwell on "what it's?" If a body is found, will we surrender the soul to God's mercy or will we allow grief to paralyse us?

God is my comfort

God sent the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin because Gabriel means "God is my comfort. We usually comfort three kinds of people, especially the sick, the bereaved and the fearful".

Mary was fearful when she heard the Angel Gabriel's announcement.  "Who, having heard, was troubled (Lk 1:29) And thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. She was troubled because of her modesty and from prudence she wondered at the new form of blessing".

The Angel went on to say, "Behold, thou shalt conceived in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son (Lk 1 :31). And thou shalt call his name Jesus. " Note that we read of five persons who are called by God before they were conceived in the womb.

The first was Isaac, of whom Genesis 17 says: "Sarah, thy wife shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call his name Isaac" (Gen 17 : 19).

The second was Samson, of whom Judges 13 says, "The Angel said to the wife of Manue: Thou shalt conceive and bear a son" (Judges 13: 3).

The third was Josiah, of whom 1 Kings 13 says "Behold, a child shall be born  to the house of David, Josiah by name."

The fourth and fifth were John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.

Unforeseen Consequences

Annunciations have far reaching, unforeseen and even unthinkable consequences. Biblical annunciations reveal that the children had roles in God's plan, but their parents could never have imagined how their children would fulfill their roles.

God told Abraham, "I will  bless her (Abraham's wife Sarah) and moreover I will give you a son by her. I will bless her, and she shall give rise to nations; kings of peoples shall come from her" (Gen 17:16).  God then revealed Isaac as the son's name. Trusting in God, neither Abraham nor Sarah could possibly imagine that God would ask them to sacrifice this promised son, although God deemed sufficient the willingness to do so. Isaac grew up to become the father of Jacob, who became father of the Israelites and Esau, who became father of the Edomites.

Would Samson's parents have hoped that their son would someday love a conniving woman who would betray him to his enemies? Through this betrayal began the deliverance from the Philistines, thus fulfilling the angel's prophecy.

Josiah's father Amon was an evil king, just as his father Mannaseh had been. Both cared about power, not God's laws. Could either of them have imagined that Josiah would rediscover the Jewish law and have the people live it?

How could Zechariah and Elizabeth have projected that their son John would have a penchant for the desert, which caused him to live an ascetic life while calling others to repentance?

Could the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph possibly foresee that the innocent Jesus would "save His people from their sins" (Mt 1: 21), by offering Himself as a sacrifice to be tortured and murdered as if He, instead of us, had sinned?

Seek Counsel

Annunciations frequently change the course of our lives and the lives of others. Therefore, it is helpful to seek counsel. Annunciations are part of God's plan. That is sufficient reason to find joy in the annunciation through which God is trusting us into sanctity.

In Samson (meaning 'their sun') we see those who preach  the word of God, who in word and example should be the 'sun' of those to whom they preach. When tragedy arises, we should turn to the Word of God, to scripture and to counselors who can enlighten and support us.

In Josiah (meaning ' place of insence, or of sacrifice') we see true religious, in whom is the insence of devout prayer and the sacrifice of mortified flesh. Prayer and penance, whether in gratitude or in reparation or supplication, should follow  every annunciation. Prayer helps us deal with the news. Those with religious vocations recognise the need for prayer and are conscientious about praying. It is prudent to ask religious to pray for and with us.

In the Baptist we see all penitents and good secular folk who baptize and sanctify themselves in the  Jordan River (The River of Judgment), that is, in tears and confession, in bestowal of alms and in other works of mercy. In Jesus the Saviour we see all good prelates of the Church. This reminds us to turn to a good priest for prayer, insight and guidance, particularly if the annunciation brings overpowering and confusing emotions.

Look Within

No matter whether the announcement is delightful or tragic, we should look inward to see how we should change to deal best with the news. We can consult holy, spiritual people, including Priests and religious, for insight. Most importantly, we should pray because prayer opens us to God's grace and guidance.

Senin, 17 Juli 2017

Christian Way of Life : A Call to Discipleship

As a prelude to this article, I wish to commence by referring to the words spoken by the Archbishop of Colombo, His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjit during the homily delivered at the 125th Jubilee Mass in St. Anthony's shrine, Dalupotha, Negombo which needs to be reflected upon, wherein he said, "A Christian is a person who journeys with the cross and lives a life according to his or her faith. Christ life was a sacrifice. To be a true follower of Christ is not easy. It is difficult and it is also a sacrifice."

These words, no doubt are based on the words of our Blessed Lord from Sacred Scripture wherein He says, "If anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. Whoever losses his life for my sake will find it." (Lk 9 : 23 - 24) and in the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship "The cross is laid  on every Christian. The first Christian suffering which every man or woman must endure is to hearken  to the call to abandon the attachments and to forsake the values of this world. It is that dying  to that 'old man' which is the result of the encounter with Christ as we embark upon  this journey as disciples of Christ, "we are called to surrender ourselves to Christ in union with His death, we give our lives to die in Christ, thus we begin the Way of the Cross in union with the sufferings of Christ.

Christian life is not easy. In the words of Rev. Mother Mary Angelica, the foundress of the Eternal Word Television Network "Heaven does not come cheap, only hell does." Christian life entails a life - long commitment to Agape love as personified in the life of Christ who loved us unconditionally even to the point of enduring an excruciatingly agonising and tortuously cruel and humiliating death on a cross. It was all undertaken lovingly for our salvation without expecting anything in return. It was to show us the way to respond to the call to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect who makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and His rain to fall on the just and on the unjust and Jesus' call on His disciples to love even their enemies and pray for those who persecute them so that you may be children of your Father who is in Heaven (Matthew 5 : 43 - 48).

We as Christians are called to experience perfect Joy in suffering and as exemplified by St. Francis of Asisi by his life he manifested this joy in bearing with the contempt of this world and he pointed out to brother Leo, his confrere  with the exhortation, " Above all the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit which Christ gives to  his friends is that of conquering oneself and willingly enduring suffering, insults, humiliations, and hardships for the love of Christ,  for we cannot glory in all the marvelous gift  of God as they are not ours but God's  as the apostle says "what have you that you have not received?" But we can glory in the cross of tribulations and afflictions because that is ours and so the apostle says, "I will not glory save  in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."

How Difficult It Is For Us To Die?

This is most of us, in our day to day lives don't want to do anything that we will have to work hard for. Especially if it doesn't bring us any material reward. God has not become our priority because it is too difficult for us to live according to the way He wants us to live.

St. Paul says that when we were baptized into Christ, we were  also baptized into His suffering. And that we must believe that we have died to sin and that we are living for God. In the Gospel Jesus says that  whoever doesn't reject his own life for Christ is not worthy of Him.

Jesus gave up His life and His Divinity for us.

How far are we willing  to go, for Jesus?

Let us pray for strength. That on this earth, as we live as pilgrims who will return home someday, that we will be able to give up ourselves and put God on the top of our list.

Saint Maria Goretti

Maria was born at Corinaldo, Ancona in Italy into a poor but loving home and was one of six children. She was baptized the day after she was born. Her father Luigi Goretti was a farmer. Her mother Assunta, was a poor orphan girl who did not know how to read or write. Luigi and Assunta loved God, Mother Mary and each other.

When Maria was six, she played  like other children, running through  the grass, picking flowers, laughing and smiling. Maria played more often with her younger brothers and sister, and kept them happy so they would not trouble their mother.

Then the family moved to the Pontine Marshes where Luigi, along with his partner Mr. Serenelli and his sixteen year old son Alexander, lived together on Conte Mazolenni's farm as tenant farmers. Luigi became very ill and died there leaving Maria and her family helpless.

She was a friendly girl and everyone loved her. A cheerful grocer Giovanni, gave Maria an apple one day, after she had finished paying for her groceries. But Maria did not eat it.

Instead, she thanked Giovanni and put it in her pocket saying that her brother Allesandrino loved apples. Then he gave her a cookie, which again she put in her pocket saying that she would give it to her little sister Ersilia. Giovanni finally gave her another cookie and said he would be very hurt if she didn't eat it herself. So Maria not wanting to offend him, ate it.

She went to Mass everyday even though it meant  a two-hour walk. Maria received the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as she could. When she came home,  whe thought the children their prayers and told them Bible stories. Alexander who often joined the family for the rosary slowly began to notice how pretty Maria was.

He tried to make Maria sin. She absolutely refused and did her best to avoid him. One day when Maria was alone in the cottage mending clothes Alexander asked Maria to come to him, and when she refused, he dragged her into a room. When she tried to scream, he stuffed a hand-kerchief  into her mouth and angrily  stabbed her 14 times with a dagger and then ran away.

When they found her, Maria was quickly taken  to a hospital but she died about twenty-four hours later. During her last hours she received Jesus in Holy Communion with great joy. She then told the priest that she forgave Alexander with all her heart, for the love of Jesus and hoped God would forgive him too.

Alexander was sent to prison  for thirty years. For a long time,  he did not feel sorry for what he had done.  Then one night Maria appeared  to him in a dream, walking in a garden and offering him a bunch of lilies. She said, she hoped he would  come to heaven one day. From that moment on, he was a changed man.

He wrote a letter to the bishop, begging God's forgiveness for the great sin he had committed. When he was freed from prison after twenty seven years,  his first visit was to the Goretti home where he asked Maria's mother for forgiveness, which she granted.

On April 27, 1947,  Pope Pius XII appeared on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica  with Maria's 82 years old mother, Assunta and declared Maria 'blessed'.

Three years later, on June 24, in a grand ceremony  that had to be held outside the Basilica because the crowds were so huge, Maria was declared a saint. The Pope called her "a martyr of holy purity". 

Today she is the Patron Saint of teenage girls and modern youth.

Consequentially, you too must think of yourselves as (being) dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus. Rom 6 : 11

It's about the reward that awaits those who serve Him even indirectly. It's about those who show kindness towards those who serve Him, One becomes a sharer  to the rewards of a disciple.

The story of the rich couple. They welcomed prophet Elisha on his missionary tour. God rewards them for this deed. He promises them a child. The couple that welcomed the prophet who was passing  through their town on missionary tours. The childless couple showed kindness to a servant of God, a prophet and God rewarded  them with the promise of a child. This was the reward for being charitable towards a servant of God.

Christ became victorious by God's grace. But we all know how hard it was for Him to be victorious. His was a hard life on earth, full of sacrifices and suffering. In the end it was his death on the cross that gave Him the victory of the resurrection, a birth to a new life.

This same victory is assured to those who are baptized.  That is the reward given by God to those for becoming  His followers through baptism.  That is also the greatest gift that a man could receive.  It is given for being baptized. 

The Gospel places the disciples on an equal footing with Jesus. Thus we become sharers of the same gift as those who dedicated themselves to serve the Lord.

Those who have not taken up to direct preaching of the Good News as their mission, should understand that it is their responsibility to look after the needs of the servants of the Lord.   They should provide them with their daily needs, security and shelter. The satisfaction of a genuine servant of God is realized when one listens to the Good News and takes steps to change his sinful life. New life will be the greatest charitable act by which one could honour or entertain a servant of God, as Christ works unceasingly to change the sinful ways of man. He is committed to that; it is for this that He gives His life. Therefore, the greatest act of charity one could do is to listen to Christ's  message and change our sinful life. Whoever does this will be rewarded with the greatest gift; that of union with God.

Minggu, 16 Juli 2017

Whoever receives you receives Me, and the One who sent Me

At the very climax of the Discourse, Jesus makes a promise. Those who receive the Christian missionaries - designated as "prophet", "righteous man", "little ones" and "disciple" - will be rewarded.

Why will they be rewarded? That is because by receiving the disciples of Jesus they will receive Jesus Himself and God the Father: "Whoever receives you receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives the One who sent Me." The disciples, Jesus and God the Father are thus identified. A disciple is a Vicar of Christ and God. He becomes, in some sense, God incarnate and Jesus enfleshed to the people.

How does a Christian missionary become God incarnate and Jesus enfleshed to the people? He is a prophet - someone who proclaims the Gospel on behalf of Jesus; he goes from door to door and announces, "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". He is a righteous man - someone who is right in the eyes of God. He is one of these little ones - someone who remains small,  humble and insignificant. He is a disciple - someone who follows Jesus' instructions in the Missionary Discourse in particular. Thus the Christian missionary who acts as a prophet, righteous man, little one and disciple makes the presence of God and Jesus felt by the people whom he goes. People receive him; they are rewarded in return.

People will be rewarded, just as in the days of prophet Elisha. The prophet was sojourning in Shunem. A woman of influence in the city received him - she "urged him to dine with her", she welcomed him and gave food whenever he passed that way; she arranged a room with furniture for him to stay; thus, she lavished care on him. In return, he promised her, "This time next year you will be fondling a baby son." She gave a birth to a son! The story does not end there. One day the lad fell ill and died in the lap of her mother. But Elisha resuscitated him. The woman, who received "the man of God", was thus rewarded.

Who rewards those who receive the Christian missionaries? Did the Roman Empire reward the original Christian Missionaries? It rather martyred them! Let us turn to Saints Peter & Paul. For almost 20 years St. Peter found hospitality in many homes in Rome. Let us visit them again: The church of Santa Pudentiana was built on the ancient house, owned by the Patrician Pudens, a Roman Senator and the father of Santa Pudentiana. The family had provided hospitality to Peter. Later his two daughters, Saints Praxedes and Pudentiana were martyred! The church of Santa Prisca rising on the Aventine Hill and dating from antiquity was built above the former house of the matron Priscilla and her husband Aquilla who welcomed Peter. This house, cited in the Letters of Paul, was known for. having given hospitality to Peter. The remains of a Roman house are still visible. He had baptized a lot of people in a concave capital, which is conserved inside the right nave of the Church. The church was dedicated to Santa Prisca, the 13 year old girl of Priscilla and Aquilla, decapitated by Claudio! Her relics are kept in a crypt.
The church of San Paolino alla Regola is built over the house in which St. Paul stayed. It was there that he was arrested. What befell the householders is part of history!

Thus at a time, when Christianity was officially decreed baned, Rome rewarded death to those who house the Christian disciples. But those valiant men and women, young and old, of Rome did not wait for human approval or disapproval. Neither cross nor shackles could after their welcoming the disciples of Jesus. They feared only God: "and do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the One, who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna". They, including Saints Praxedes, Pudentiana and Prisca, were rewarded by God!

Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

Prayer and The Sunday Homily

Pope Francis recently emphasized that

@ Preparation for preaching is so important a task that a prolonged time of study, prayer, reflection and pastoral creativity should be devoted to it. (EG 145)

@ A preacher who does not prepare himself and who does not pray is dishonest and irresponsible. (EG 145)

@ A homily results from three movements : pondering, ordering and creating.

@ Pondering involves prayerful reading, meditation on the text,  followed by careful study.

@ Ordering aims at determining a homiletic focus,  organising as preacher's 'pondering'.

@ Creating is the shaping of a homiletic text. This movement involves a decision about homiletic structure.

@ An effective homily requires, prayer, preparation and knowledge of the congregation, and an invitation to the "holy spirit".

@ The homily must be truly the fruit of prayerful meditation.

@ No sign of the Cross at the beginning or at the end of the homily.


@ Emohasis should be made on the "Mystery of Christian Marriage".

@ Keeping in mind that there are non-Catholics and non-Christians as well.


@ Should be based on the love of God manifested in Christ Crucified and Risen.

@ The belief in eternal life, and the communion of Saints.

@ The merciful judgement of God, and the never endinf life of heaven.

No Matter How Big Your Problem, You Can Find Comfort In The Sacred Heart Of Jesus

I was at first confounded to learn that Padre Pio said the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus every day for all his spiritual children and for everyone who asked for his prayers.

It would have been a very long list of people to commend to the Sacred Heart of our Lord - and praying one novena for the many intentions of so many seemed to me to be spreading the grace thin.

But then I was immature in my trust in our Lord and underestimating the magnificent power of prayer that appeals directly to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, full of love for us.

Following Padre Pio's example, I decided to come before our Lord's heart with large intentions and our Lord has not been found lacking in generosity.

One favour that I believe was granted by the Sacred Heart stands out in my mind. I was on my way to a prayer vigil outside an abortion clinic. It was only going to be me and another lady. I knew from experience that normally about a dozen pregnant women would go in for an abortion during a two-hour span. I prayed to the Sacred Heart for the intention that not one girl would go in for an abortion during the two-hour vigil. Standinh outside the clinic for those two hours that day, not one girl went through the clinic doors for an abortion. I believe that the Sacred Heart (with Padre Pio on the case, too) took the mothers and babies into His heart and protected them.

Now I readily appreciate that the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. I recommend everyone to offer the novena to the Sacred Heart for every kind of pressing intention, no matter how big the problem is, and experience Our Lord's immeasurable kindness.


"I don't want to drink from this glass because the servant drank from it,"  stated Juju.

"I washed it afterwards.  Anyway, what does it matter. because a servant is also a human being," commented  Jojo

"If Jesus can lower Himself to the level of a servant, why can't you and I treat our underlings better?" chimed in Jeje

"Let's face it. You and I are still feudal in our outlook. In America, a maid comes and cleans and goes away and is paid in dollars by the hour. Here we grudge paying the so-called lower classes. Household work has to be done and a labourer is worthy of his hire," said Jojo.

"Yes. Also did you know that you should not use the word 'housewife' but say proudly 'I am a homemaker'," said Jeje.

"I did know that. Those who cook and clean should also be admired and given a kind word," commented Juju.

"There are many wives who do unpaid work in the home, cooking, cleaning and caring for children. However, society only recognises a person who earns a salary," said Jojo.

"Yes. A homemaker's job is never done. She cannot clock off at five p.m. Sometimes she has to work till late at night and still get up early in the morning," said Jeje.

"If you stay in a hotel, you are paying for the services of a housekeeper who will change the bed sheets and the towels. Usually these things are done for you free in your home," conclude Jeje adding, "Let us pray to God for the insight to understand the unseen workers."

Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

Saint John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist is one of the greatest or perhaps the greatest among the saints in the Christian world. This has been confirmed by no less a person than Christ, who said, "Among them  that are born of women, there has no risen one greater than John the Baptist."

Though John the Baptist was a kinsman of Jesus who lived during Jesus' time, John led an extremely austere life style. Clothed in camel hair with a leather belt around his waist  and for food ate locusts and wild honey  and went about preaching.  He said, "There comes one after me who is mightier than I whose sandal straps I am not worthy to stoop and loose." (Mark 1 : 7)

When he was asked by the people who he was, he said, "I am the voice of one crying  in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord. As foretold by the prophet hundred of years ago." ( John 1: 23) Very outspoken, John never hesitated to speak out and defend what he felt was right. He had even chided King Herod Antipas for his life style.

John's mother Elizabeth who was advanced in age but barren and her husband  Zechariah had prayed to God for a child. One day, while Zechariah was at prayer, the Angel Gabriel appeared to him to convey good tidings of joy, that his wife had conceived and shall bear a son and his name shall be John. Marry who was also, at the time with child visited Elizabeth, who lived in the hill country of Judea. When Elizabeth saw Mary and heard her salutation, the baby in her womb is said to have lept for joy. Elizabeth thereafter filled with the Holy Spirit cried out, "Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb and whence is that mother of my Lord should come to me." (Luke 1: 43). Mary replied, "My soul magnifies in the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1 : 46-51)

After John grew up into maturity, he began to preach, calling all to repent and shun evil. He had also the privilege of baptising Christ in the River Jordan.  Like Christ, John was a much misunderstood person. 

The nativity of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated by the Church on June 24.

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Water is Our Life

Water is a gift from nature. All living beings and plants need water to live. We need water for different purposes. We can live without food for a few days. But without water we cannot live at all. We need water for our daily activities like bathing, cooking, washing, et al. Mostly we need water for agricultural purposes.  If there is no water there are no food.

But sadly, people do not use water sparingly.  People waste water. In urban areas, we can see people living their taps open. At other times people do not close the taps properly. They keep the taps half open.

Humans also polute water in many ways: Insecticides, weedicides and fertilizers used in large quantities in farming are some examples of the ways of water pollution.  Some factories release waste material into water ways.  People dump garbage into water ways.

We should control ways of water pollution. We can do this by helping to keep our sources of water clean. In agriculture we should not over use chemicals. Another way of preventing water pollution is to build cleaning treatment plants in factories.  If we stop throwing waste into lakes, rivers and seas they will  be clean and beautiful forever.

It is the right time now for the government to impose severe laws to protect  our water ways. People who pollute water ways should be punished severely. Island wide awareness programmes should be organised to teach the public about the value of water.

The Living Bread and Blood

Jesus our Saviour is the only living bread,
Which by all the sinful souls are fed,
Without this bread sinful souls starve and die,
For it gives us nourishment,  strength and our needs supply.

Thank the Lord for He has given us His flesh,
A flesh that breaks sin, guilt and hell,
In Jesus alone saints and sinners find,
The food needed to fill and console the empty mind.

Praise You Jesus who gave Your life as a sacrifice,
To sinful men  with hearts cold as ice,
Jesus Thy flesh and blood always heals the wounded soul,
For this is the flesh and blood that pleads pardon for us all.

A mighty sum was paid for our debt,
And all sinners were at freedom set,
And from all curses Jesus has made us free,
For this is the only flesh and blood that spoke for you and me.

Rabu, 12 Juli 2017


P = Pope Francis by name is  - the man of the year
O = Our beloved father most holy so dear
P = Preaching and practising no doubt about it all
E = Example of humility and simplicity for us all.

F = Father of the nation, Good Shepherd of the flock
R = Reforming the lives of those who are spiritually lost
A = Always gives a winning smile so sweet
N = Never says no to any one he meets
C = Caring for the poor - the sick - and the lame
I = In this selfish world - unselfish he become
S = Saint Francis - Someday in Heaven will surely be named.

Wind Beneath My Wings

Walking down the seafront alone, Where I can find peace on my own.
On this lovely and quiet afternoon.
People may come and go,
but they will leave me with a sweet smile and hello.

All I have at the moment,
Is wind beneath my wings
Whispering to me how good God is,
Embracing me with all  the love that it has to offer.
Telling me sweetly how precious I am in God's sight.
Guiding my humble feet to the right path of life.

Cheering me up when I am feeling down and sad,
Rejoicing with me when my heart sings beautifully.
Oh, wind beneath my wings!
How can I hold you so dearly and so tightly?
And never to let you go if I could.

Thank you for always reminding me,
That life is just only a passing moment.
And looking for all eternity,
Is where I belong to be as I prayed for.
To be with the Triune God is all I need.
And to embrace the Father's love forevermore.

Senin, 10 Juli 2017

God Watches Over His Children

In this modern world run with advances in technology and science and free thinking, religion has become a second option and something that people don't care much for. There are people in the world who believe in atheism, that is, they don't believe that there is God. Some people in the world now don't feel that they need God. They are more afraid of thieves and murderers so they build high walls and fix cameras at gates thinking that they can protect themselves.

This is what Jesus is addressing. He says, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna." Jesus also says, "But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my Heavenly Father." (Matthew 10 : 26 - 33).

In this world that challenges our Faith, and in this society that cares much for the body than for the soul, let us think about how strong our own faith is. Are we ashamed of bearing witness to Jesus? Are we also more careful of our body and neglect our soul?

Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

When Jesus Steps Into My Life

When I pray for others and I have no time to pray for myself
That is when Jesus prays for me

When I love others and I am not loved in return
That is when Jesus loves me

When I smile with someone and the smile is not returned to me
That is when Jesus's smile is upon me

When I care for others and yet others do not care for me
That is when Jesus cares for me

When I meet the needs of others and don't expect anything in return
That is when Jesus meets my needs

When I share a meal with the poor That is when Jesus blesses my food and water

When I spread a ray of hope in another's life
That is when the hope of Jesus will fill my heart

When I forgive others for the wrongs they have done to me
That is when Jesus forgives me for my transgressions

And when I become blessing to others
That is when Jesus' blessings fall a fresh on me!