Rabu, 08 Maret 2017

Some guidelines for Lectors

The vocation to be a lector is a gift. Not everyone is called to the ministry of lectors. In being asked to read you have been given a splendid chance to voice God's word to people; of passing on his words that can change lives and influence the conduct of those who ear.

No one should be appointed reader until he has been carefully proved. No babbler, nor drunkard nor jester: of good morals, submissive, of benevolent intentions, first at the assembly on the Lord's Day of plain utterance skillful in exposition mindful that he functions in the place of an evangelist.

Not everyone is a born reader. There are those whose voice is not strong enough, there are others whose voices are 'furry' and do not carry well, and there are yet others who have not the temperament for public reading or speaking. Some principal of selection then is needed and it seems best to ask for volunteers while making clear that all must undergo audition. Since auditioning involves the risk of rejection the volunteers must be willing to accept that risk. Reading in Church is not for the "honour and glory" of anyone. Readers are at the service of the community and some may be unsuitable for it.

Proclamation of the Word of God remains just the five movements of lips unless it includes five essential elements. Namely they are invitation, discipleship, witness, care for others and humility before the Word of God.

The readers should be truly qualified and carefully prepared to render this function, "so that the faithful will develop in their hearts warm and lively love for the sacred scripture."

Only constant practice at the speed required will enable the necessary co-ordination between eye, brain and mouth to take place smoothly and efficiently. This is why reading a thing over 'just in the mind' is a totally insufficient preparation for reading aloud.

Persons who have gained Christian maturity through the sacrament of Confirmation are called to be lectors, in children's Masses children have to be well prepared for the proclamation.

The Word of God, we read in the letter to the Hebrews 4 : 12 "is something alive and active, is like a sharp two-edged sword that pierces to the inmost part of our being" and the humble reader is wielding that sword.

The reading of God's Word is not an optional extra or something to be 'got through' as possible. It is part of that one act of worship.

The object of Scripture is Jesus Christ. He/she plays his/her part in stimulating faith.

Remote Preparation
The lector has to meet the Word of God.

The reader then should posses a bible and part of his preparation will be to look up thr passage in its context.

Read the portion carefully. Make sure you understand and grasp all the ideas behind the words, then mark for emphasis the words that bring out those ideas.

The lector has to prepare the text at least from Wednesday before the Sunday Mass. Just before Holy Mass merely looking over in the sacristy is never enough. A spiritual and technical preparation is necessary.

So with punctuation marks. The divide up the mass of words by indicating when there is to be a breath (comma), a slight pause (the colon) and the coming to rest at the end of the sentence, the full stop.

In preparation read slowly the text, think, meditate and pray the text. One needs to 'engage in this exercise daily for about 15 minutes. The lector has to be immersed in the reading.

Reading aloud is a great art, only acquired and maintained by constant practice. Even actors who have received speech-training rehearse their readings, recording themselves, listening with care, so as to improve enunciation, phrasing, rise and fall of voice, expression, etc.

At home the mental reading of the text has to be followed by vocal reading. Each day for a few minutes, cultivate the art of reading aloud. Read a paragraph through once or twice for eye-brain-mouth coordination, then go over it for rise and fall of voice, accents, pauses, necessary lip work, etc.

Having made the best possible human preparation, one can pray with confidence to the Holy Spirit to be present as He delivers His message through his servant.

Immediate Preparation
Arrive at least 10 minutes before mass and have a look at the Lectionary. Recognize the correct text, and see that the ribbon/marker is on the right page.

The reading is not to be proclaimed from the Church leaflet, but from the lectionary.

The Proclamation
Listeners will either lose interest as your voice drones on, or they will sit up and take notice as God's word comes to them clearly, expressively and understandably. This can and will happen when you understand what you are reading and grasp the simple technique of making the printed words ring in the ear and glow in the mind.

Look at the congregation joyfully and say "A reading from" and have a pause (count 1 - 4).

Begin the reading. Reading is a prayerful proclamation and not a performance.

While reading be mind full of pitch, phrasing and listen to your voice as projected from the speaker.

The text has to be read slowly, attentively, reflectively and lovingly.

The word is meant to rise from the sacred page to the readers' lips; from there to swing out into the Church to be heard by attentive ears. "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ" (Rom 10: 17).

A good reading of scripture gives back the experience of God to the people in our time.

While reading, the lector must engage the whole assembly. The engaging will take place if you have prayed the text . By your reading may the faithful develop a warm and living love for scripture.

The lector should keep his eyes glued to the book but will from time to time look up at the people and will not drop his voice at the end of sentences so that the words become inaudible.

At the end of the reading, after a pause, count silently (1-4) "The Word of the Lord",  is said in a way that invites the faithful to respond Thanks be to God. Leave the ambo, a deep bow before the altar and leave reverently.

The responsorial psalm could be proclaimed by another. Your response is said only once, at the beginning. The people response could be sung - The verses are also to be chanted, it should be very clear. Meditation hymns cannot be sung in place of the responsorial psalm.

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