Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Food Allergy and Intolerence

Many people ascribe their various symptoms to food and many such sufferers have started on exclusion diets. True scientific evidence that food does harm in most circumstances is weak, although adverse reactions to food certainly exist. These can be divided into food allergy and food intolerence. It is commoner in children than in adults. About 1 to 2% of adults are affected and the figures in children vary from 2.5% to 5%.

Food allergies can vary from one to another. But with true food allergies one should avoid that food always. Sometimes accidental exposure can occur. Adults tend to be allergic to fish, shell fish and peanuts while children tend to be allergic to cow's milk, egg white, wheat and soy. Peanuts are very allergic and peanut allergy persists throughout life. Common ones are cow's milk, eggs, sea food and pork. Plants too can cause food allergy. Amongst the fruits known to cause allergy are papaw, banana, manggo, wood apple. Children are more likely to get this but often outgrow it. Adults can get it for the first time and it rarely disappear. Babies get cow's milk allergy but tend to grow out in 3 to 4 years.

How does food allergy manifest?

It can manifest as abdominal pain, vomiting, urticarial skin rash which is very itchy, sneezing. Some can be life threatening with breathing difficulty and swelling in the deeper parts of the neck compressing the breathing passage. Food allergy can also result in eczema and asthma. These tend to affect young children and are often due to egg. Runny nose and asthma may be precipitated described due to milk and chocolates.

Food intolerence e.g.; Lactose (the sugar in milk) It is different from food allergy though it may be difficult to differentiate at times between the two. It is a difficulty in digesting certain foods. The symptoms take longer time to appear than food allergy. It can be due to different reasons like lack of an enzyme to digest a particular food.

A common condition is lactose intolerence in children. This is commonly seen following a viral diarrhea specially after been unnecessarily treated with an antibiotic. Due to this the enzyme lactase which is found in the superficial layers of the duodenum and the upper small intestine is missing because the superficial lining cells are destroyed and there is a no enzyme lactase. Owing to the lack of lactase enzyme the disaccharide lactose sugar in the milk including the breast milk cannot be broken down to mononosacharide glucose and galactose to be absorbed. As the undigested lactose goes down to the large intestine it is converted to lactic acid by the intestinal bacteria which prolongs the diarrhoea. The stool on testing has sugar and the pH is acidic. These children are present with persistent diarrhea not responding to different drugs unnecessarily given by less well-informed doctors. The treatment is to stop feeding the child with milk including breast milk for a few days till the cells producing the lactase enzyme are replaced.

The other causes of food intolerence are chemicals food additives; food poisoning due to the toxin of the bacteria Staphylococcus after eating stale food. This is often reported in the press where workers in a factory in the free trade zones are admitted to hospital after their lunch meal. Some of them can get serious but more often they are not.The latter is short term. There can also be long term food intolerance when there is abdominal bloating, cough.

1. Migrainous headaches, cough and runny nose. Migraine follows the intake of foods such as chocolates, cheese, and alcohol which are rich in tyramines. Patients on some drugs are more prone to this problem.

2. Irritable bowel syndrome. In some patients this seems to be related to ingestion of certain foods.

3. Chinese restaurant syndrome. Monosodium glutamate a flavor enhancer used in cooking Chinese food may produce dizziness faintness, nausea, sweating and chest pains.

4. Diarrhea as referred to earlier is a manifestation of food intolerance.

Justice is Mercy

Jesus warns us that the good deeds we do, including fasting and prayer must not be done publicly for others to see or to obtain praise. If we do that that is the only impermanent reward we will get but when we help others or give donations, big or small for worthy causes our left hand must not know what our right hand is doing.

In two of the temptations, which came soon after the Jordan baptism where Jesus became aware that He was the beloved son of God, the devil challenges this by saying, "If you are the Son of God". This same temptation comes to most of us regularly and we need to be aware as to where it is coming from. We need to stand firm on the promise that in Christ Jesus we all have been baptised to be sons or daughters of the Heavenly Father and God's kingdom is our eternal heritage.

In the first temptation the devil tells the hungry Jesus to abuse His power by turning stones into bread. That is the main lesson for us. In areas where God has given us some power - be it in the family, the Church or the work place - God wants us to use that power to help people and even wash their feet, not to dominate, use or abuse others.

In the second temptation the devil tempts Jesus to indulge in cheap popularity by jumping from the top of the temple. Even in our spiritual life we often tempted to seek cheap popularity to earn praise and compliment from people. This is a temptation we need to resist.

In the first two temptations the devil quotes the Scriptures. We need to be cautious about this because often evil forces or worldly trends and the people who follow it may quote the Scriptures and drag us into something like the prosperity gospel instead of Jesus' Gospel of the cross, death and resurrection.

In the third temptation the devil tells a lie claiming that all the kingdoms of the world and the resources belong to him. In the Scriptures there are hundreds of instances where we are told that the world and all its resources belong to God and not to the devil. So we need to be cautious about such lies that may come from evil forces and worldly powers.

Jesus as the great physician gives us the best prescription for a fruitful life from day to day or moment to moment. Like an Ayurveda physician's effective 'Kasaya' there are three ingredients in it and all there are necessary.

Jesus tells us:
1. Don't worry about the past or fear the future. Live in the moment and live from moment to moment or day to day.
2. Trust in the Lord's unfailing love.
3. Seek the kingdom of love and justice by obeying the Lord's main commandment to love one another as He loves us.

When we do this the promise is that God will provide everything we need, not everything we want or desire. Jesus also warns that we cannot serve two masters - God and money or mammon. If money, wealth and possessions are giving us security and success in life, giving us prestige and power in life, then to that extend we have distanced ourselves from God and may be in danger of facing what happened to the rich fool who built bigger barns or bank accounts to keep his excessive wealth, instead of sharing generously and cheerfully with the impoverished and oppressed people.

Justice is mercy and may God give us a wisdom to see and act.

Minggu, 28 Mei 2017

Nasal Swab could Help Diagnose Lung Cancer

A team of researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) in Massachusetts may have found a more convenient way to determine whether lung lesions are malignant. The findings were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Lung lesions - or solitary pulmonary nodules - are small growths in the lungs that are usually detected incidentally when a patient has an X-Ray for other reasons. Although physicians are typically worried about cancer upon discovering the lesions, these are benign in the majority of cases.

For instance, of all the patients screened using computed tomography (CT) as part of the National Lung Cancer Screening Trial, 25 percent had a lung lesion, but approximately 95 percent of these cases were, in the end, found to be benign.

As the authors of the new study point out, many of the patients who ultimately receive a benign diagnosis undergi invasive medical procedures such as surgical lung biopsy. The new research, however, uncovers a genomic tool that could enable physicians to tell whether a patient has a malignant lesion by simply taking a swab of their nose.

BUSM researchers collected nasal epithelial brushings from patients who were in the process of having their lung lesions evaluated. These participants were people who currently and formerly smoked, and who were enrolled in the two Airway Epithelium Gene Expression in the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer clinical trials.

The ephitelium is a membrane of cellular tissue that, in this case, encloses and protects the nasal cavity. Scientists examined these nasal epithelial brushings and profiled the participants' gene expression by using microarrays - a genetic tool commonly used to detect gene mutations, such as in BRCA1 or BRCA2, in a person's DNA.

The researchers found cancer - associated gene expressions to be altered in a similar way across the two airway sites. This led them to believe that the nasal airway epithelial field in people who smoke extends all the way to the nose, and that the brushings could be a biomarker for lung cancer.

Marc Lenburg, Ph. D, a professor of medicine at BUSM and co-senior author of the study, explains the significance of the findings: "Our findings clearly demonstrate the existence of a cancer-associated airway field of injury that also can be measured in nasal epithelium. We find that nasal gene expression contains information about the presence of cancer that is independent of standard clinical risk factors, suggesting that nasal epithelial gene expression might aid in lung cancer detection. Moreover, the nasal samples can be collected non-invasively with little instrumentation or advanced training."

There is a clear and growing need to develop additional diagnostic approaches for evaluating pulmonary lesions to determine which patients should undergo CT surveillance or invasive biopsy.The ability to test for molecular changes in this field of injury allows us to rule out the disease earlier without invasive procedures.

This research builds on previous work by the same team, who located another biomarker for lung cancer, found in the epithelium of the bronchus.

Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

Why is Lent so Important?

Every year we go through a period of forty days of Lent. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends with the Holy Week. From our younger days, we have been taught about so many religious observances during the lent period, such as fasting, prayer and various sacrifices. The Church invites us to cleanse our souls, go for confession and prepare ourselves for the events of Holy Week. The period of Lent is considered as a sacred time, where you make special efforts to become a better person and strengthen our relationship with our Lord. Various religious activities such as The Way of the Cross, Pilgrimages and other activities are organized by churches, in order to help people to prepare themselves during Lent.

As much as it is important and good to follow these religious rituals year after year, we need to actually understand why this period is so sacred. The Holy Week ends with the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday is the day that Our Lord was risen from the dead. Through this death and resurrection, we have been given a new life. Our sins have been forgiven and the broken relationship between us and Our Heavenly Father has been restored. Just imagine, what our plight would be without this beautiful plan of salvation. Through this great event, Our Lord shows us how much He loves us. The suffering, humiliation and pain that Jesus goes through, during this event, is just unthinkable. And cannot be performed by an ordinary human being. This suffering is the ultimate act of love and nothing less to that.

When we go through the Holy Week, we see so many ups and downs in Our Lord Jesus' life. The Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Jesus enters Jerusalem in grand manner amidst praise from the people and finally these people crucify Him. And then Jesus immerges victoriously by Rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. Just imagine the emotional storm that He had to go through. When we actually understand the weight of this event and the significance this event had on mankind, we realize the magnitude of the Holy Week and Easter Sunday in particular.

With this understanding, we also realize the immense love that Our Lord has for us.

So we need a significant period to prepare for these events. That is why the period of Lent is so important and the church emphasizes on this. Amidst all the religious observances, we need to really remember why all this is important and really prepare ourselves to commemorate what can be considered as the greatest event for us Christians.

Kamis, 25 Mei 2017

A resolving an unhappy marriage

Jesus went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to him again; and again, as his custom was, he taught them.

"From the beginning of creation, 'God made them male and female'. 'For this reason a man may leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one'. So they are no longer two but one. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder (ibid 5 - 9)."

These words of Jesus applies to all marriages, to all human beings in so far as they are humans. Matrimony is God's idea, not man's. It is a part and parcel of what it means to have human nature. As long as humans are still humans, the indissolubility of the marriage bond holds true.

The reality of marriage nowadays, however, is not as rosy as we would expect. There are rocky roads in marital life and the phenomena of drifting apart abound. It might not sound feasible but the solution to those challenges is to hope and stick it out.

Classic drifting apart

Harry and Kate Benson's story is a case in point. After eight years of marriage, they stood on the brink of divorce. May the many Harrys and Kates in the world learn from their experience.

Here is their story. Almost exactly twenty two years ago, Harry got home from work one day to find a letter lying on his bed. It was addressed to "Harry" in his wife Kate's hand writing.

"I had no idea what it would say," Harry recounts in his blog (Marriage Foundation UK). "But since Kate was sitting next door, I figured that whatever she wanted to say was best said on paper, rather than in person."

"A few weeks earlier, Kate had confronted me that our marriage was in trouble. I was not the friend she needed me to be and unless I got my act together, our marriage would be over in a year."

"I sat down to read the letter with some trepidation. It was written as a rather bland 'job spec' of what it was to be Harry's wife: terms, conditions, perks, travel, pay etc. I did not really know what to think. But the last couple of lines changed everything."

"What I really want is a friend," she wrote. "Will I ever get it, who knows. WHO CARES." It sounded like divorce was a step away.

Those last two words, in capitals, knocked Harry to the core. The despairing tone was obvious. What has he done, he thought. He had neglected her so badly. In his mind, it was as if tiny switch flicked across. Suddenly he knew he needed to make their marriage work for Kate.

He walked next door to find a closed and distant wife. He dropped to his knees and said "I'm so sorry. You've no reason to believe I will change. But I will."

That tiny change of attitude, a mental shift, to put Kate first, to have her at the forefront of Harry's mind rather than an afterthought, had seismic consequences.It turned out to be the springboard to recovery.

Typical Experience?

Lately, Marriage Foundation published a report in UK by this very same Harry Benson and Professor Steve McKay at University of Lincoln that looked at what happens to unhappy couples.

From a Millenium Cohort Study sample of some 10.000 mothers who had babies in the year 2000 or 2001, we found that some 5% were unhappy in their relationship soon after the baby was born. Just under a third of these then split up. Of the majority who stayed together, only 7% (of the 5%, so that 0.3% of the total sample) were still unhappy by the time their child was aged eleven, whereas 68% said they were now happy.

How does this study compare with other researches? American studies mirror their findings. A 2002 study found that two thirds of unhappy adults who stayed together were happy five years later. They also found that those who divorced were no happier, on average, than those who stayed together.

In other words, most people who are unhappily married end up happy if they stick at it. Like Kate and Harry, they find ways through.

The Benson-Mckay study shows that unhappiness is, thankfully, much rarer than people imagine. It affects just one in twenty parents with newborns.

Unhappiness is usually temporary. Staying unhappy is incredibly rare. Just one in every 400 parents in the entire study was unhappy at both time points, soon after their child was born and then again when their child was eleven.  (cf. Harry and Kate Benson, What mums want and dads need to know).

Genesis is growing apart

It appears that the Kate - Harry experience of growing apart after the children arrive on the scene is very typical indeed.

What happens is when couples become parents, everything changes. Forget Mars and Venus. The difference between men and women that matters most is that women have babies. That long experience of pregnancy automatically and subconsciously tunes a woman's mind toward her child. So when the baby appears, it's not surprising that mum tends to take charge and make the decisions.

Harry began to take the path ofleast effort. It was all too easy to take a back seat, whether willingly or not, and leave mum to take the initiative. Their conversations gradually deteriorated into a series of functional questions "can you do this?" "can you do that?". That was fine for a while.

But slowly, eventually, it began to grate. Kate became frustrated at being responsible for everything. Harry withdrew and focused on work. Kate then felt neglected and micromanaged him. They drifted apart. It was very subtle and very common.

Somebody has to look after the relationship. With mum's focus on the child, that has to be dad.

So what do mums want? At the top of the list from a survey of 291 mums, was a friend, somebody interested in her and the children, somebody kind. At the bottom of the list was sexy, strong, adventurous or a provider.

If dads can get into their heads that their first task is to love mum, to notice her, to have her in the forefront of their thoughts, their marriage will be terrific.

Happy wife, happy life. Believe it or not, there is research to support this. It is much less true the other way tound (cf. H. Benson, Research for Marriage Foundation, UK).

Hope and Stick it out!

We might ask: "Is this putting an unfair burden on men? Doesn't it take two to tango?"

Harry assures us: "Not at all." It is a tiny shift in thinking that recognizes human nature. When a woman becomes child-oriented, dad needs to become mum-oriented. Somebody needs to take responsibility for the relationship. Remember that this is not about who does what role. Couples can take on whatever roles they like.

The problem nowadays is the strong current of consumerism. It is the lifestyle of use and dispose. Human beings are themselves considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. We have created a "throw away" culture which is now spreading.

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

Try To Do Something

Try to lengthen the burden of another
Do even a little thing gladly
For the Lord loves a cheerful giver
And lighter will grow your burden
If will help your every care
Cause, when sorrow shared is only half.

Do something for somebody, whose hurting
Where help seems not to come
Help a sorrowful heart
With a little smile or song
Where ever you may be
A little deed of kindness
A little word of love
Make the earth like heaven above.

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

The Rich Man and Lazarus

Lent is a new beginning, a path leading to the certain goal of Easter, Christ's victory over death. This season urgently calls us to conversion. Christians are asked to return to God with all their hearts, to refuse to settle for mediocrity and to grow in friendship with the Lord. Jesus is the faithful friend who never abandon us. Even when we sin, He patiently awaits our return; by that patient expectation, He shows us His readiness to forgive.

Lent is a favourable season for deepening our spiritual life through the means of sanctification offered us by the Church: Fasting, prayer and almsgiving. At the basis of everything is the Word of God, which during this season we are invited to hear and ponder more deeply. I would now like to consider the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Let us find inspiration in this meaningful story, for it provides a key to understanding what we need to do in order to attain true happiness and eternal life. It exhorts us to sincere conversion.

1. The other person is a gift

The Parable begins by presenting its two main characters. The poor man is described in greater detail: He is wretched and lacks the strength even to stand. Lying before the door of the rich man, he fed on the crumbs falling from his table. His body is full of sores and dogs come to lick his wounds. The picture is one of great misery; it portrays a man disgraced and pitiful.

The scene is even more dramatic if we consider that the poor man is called Lazarus: A name full of promise, which literally means "God helps".This character is not anonymous. His features are clearly delineated and he appears as an individual with his own story. While practically invisible to the rich man, we see and know him as someone familiar. He becomes a face and as such, a gift, a priceless treasure, a human being whom God loves and cares for, despite his concrete condition as an outcast.

Lazarus teaches us that other persons are a gift. A right relationship with people consists in gratefully recognising their value. Even the poor person at the door of the rich is not a nuisance, but a summons to conversion and to change. The parable first invites us to open the doors of our heart to others because each person is a gift, whether it be our neighbour or an anonymous pauper. Lent is a favourable season for opening the doors to all those in need and recognising in them the face of Christ. Each of us meets people like this every day. Each life that we encounter is a gift deserving aceptance, respect and love. The Word of God helps us to open our eyes to welcome and love life, especially when it is weak and vulnerable. But in order to do this, we have to take seriously what the Gospel tells us about the rich man.

2. Sin blinds us

The Parable is unsparing in its description of the contradiction associated with the rich man. Unlike poor Lazarus, he does not have a name; he is simply called "a rich man." His opulence was seen in his extravagant and expensive robes. Purple cloth was even more precious than silver and gold and was thus reserved to divinities and kings, while fine linen gave one an almost sacred character. The man was clearly ostentatious about his wealth and in the habit of displaying it daily: "He feasted sumptuously every day". In him we can catch a dramatic glimpse of the corruption of sin, which progresses in three successive stages: Love of money, vanity and pride.

The Apostle Paul tells us that "the love of money is the root of all evils". It is the main cause of corruption and a source of envy, strife and suspicion. Money can come to dominate us, even to the point of becoming a tyrannical idol. Instead of being an instrument at our service for doing good and showing solidarity towards others, money can chain us and the entire world to a selfish logic that leaves no room for love and hinders peace.

The Parable then shows that the rich man's greed makes him vain. His personality finds expression in appearances, in showing others what he can do; but his appearance masks an interior emptiness. His life is a prisoner to outward appearances, to the most superficial and fleeting aspects of existence.

The lowest rung of this moral degradation is pride. The rich man dresses like a king and acts like a god, forgetting that he is merely mortal. For those corrupted by love of riches, nothing exist beyond their own ego. Those around them do notm come into their line of sight. The result of attachment to money is a sort of blindness. The rich man does not see the poor man is starving, hurting, lying at his door.

Looking at this character, we can understand why the Gospel so bluntly condemns the love of money: "No one can be the slave of two masters: He will either hate the first and love the second. You cannot be the slave both of God and of money" (Matthew 6 : 24).

3. The Word is a gift

The Gospel of the rich man and Lazarus help us to make good preparation for the Easter. The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday invites us to an experience quite similar to that of the rich man. When the priest imposes the ashes on our heads, he repeats the words: "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." As it turned out, the rich man and the poor man both died and the greater part of the Parable takes place in the afterlife. The two characters suddenly discover that we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it."

We too see what happens in the afterlife. There the rich man speaks at length with Abraham, whom he calls "father", as a sign that he belongs to God's people. This detail makes his life appear all the more contradictory, for until this moment there had been no mention of his relationship to God. In fact, there was no place for God in his life. His only god was himself.

The rich man recognises Lazarus only amid the torments of the afterlife. He wants the poor man to alleviate his suffering with a drop of water. What he asks of Lazarus is similar to what he could have done but never did. Abraham tells him: "During your life you had your fill of good things, just as Lazarus had his fill of bad. Now he is being comforted here while you are in agony". In the afterlife, a kind of fairness is restored and life's evils are balanced by good.

The parable goes on to offer a message for all Christians. The rich man asks Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers, who are still alive. But Abraham answers: "They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to to them". Countering the rich man's objections, he adds: "If they will not listen either to Moses or to the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead"

The rich man's real problem thus comes to the fore. At the root of all his ills was the failure to heed God's Word. As a result, he no longer loved God and grew to despise his neighbour. The Word of God is alive and powerful, capable of converting hearts and leading them back to God. When we close our heart to the gift of God's Word, we end up closing our heart to the gift of our brothers and sisters.

Lent is the favourable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in is Word, in the Sacraments and in our neighbour. The Lord, who overcame the deceptions of the Tempter during the forty days in the desert, shows us the path we must take. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God's Word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need. Let us express this spiritual renewal also by sharing in the Lenten Campaigns promoted by many Church organisations in different parts of the world and thus to favour the culture of encounter in our one human family.

Let us pray for one another so that, by sharing in the victory of Christ, we may open our doors to the weak and poor. Then we will be able to experience and share to the full the joy of Easter.

Senin, 22 Mei 2017

Jesus is tempted by the devil

Have you ever been tempted to do or say something that you know is wrong?

It is not a sin to be tempted, unless we do what we are tempted to do, even though we know it is wrong.

The devil tempted Jesus three times and tried to get Jesus to sin. Did He? NO! Jesus did the right thing each time. All of us face temptations. What are some of the temptations you are tested with (try to remember). Here are some ways we may be tempted by the devil, followed by a Bible verse that will help us to resist that temptation.

1. Spreading gossip about others (You shall not give false witness against your neighbour. Exodus 20 : 16)

2. Disobeying (Honour your father and mother. Exodus 20 : 12)

3. Take something that does not belong to you (You shall not steal. Exodus 20 : 15).

Remember, when Jesus was tempted, He turned to Scripture to help Him resist and put the devil to shame. We should do the same.

Father, we are thankful for your Holy Word. Help us to read our Bible daily and keep the words in our heart, so that we might be able to resist temptation. Amen.

Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

Saints Perpetua & Felicity

Perpetua and Felicity lived in Carthage, North Africa. It was the time of the terrible torture of Christians by Emperor Septimus Severus at the beginning of the third century.

22 year old Perpetua was the daughter of a rich pagan (did not believe in God) nobleman. While growing up, she had been given everything she had ever wanted. But then she converted and became a Christian. She realized that she loved Jesus and her Christian faith more than anything the world could offer. For this she found herself a prisoner on the way to execution (to be killed).

Perpetua's father did everything possible to persuade his daughter to give up her Christian faith. He tried to convince her of the importance of saving her life. But she would not give in, even though she knew that she would have to leave behind her husband and baby.

Felicity, Perpetua's maid, who had earlier been a slave, also became a Christian. She and Perpetua were great friends. They shared their belief in and love for Jesus. Felicity, too, was willing to sacrifice her life for Jesus and for her faith. For this she also found herself a prisoner on the way to execution.

Felicity was also a young wife and while she was in prison she gave birth to a child. Her little baby was adopted by a good Christian woman. Felicity was happy because now she could die a martyr (to die for Jesus and her faith).

Hand in hand, Perpetua and Felicity bravely faced martyrdom together. They marched from their cells into the amphitheater, as if into heaven, with cheerful looks and graceful bearing. If they trembled, it was for joy and not for fear.

The people, demanded that the martyrs be led to the middle of the amphitheater where they could see them die. Without being asked they went where the people wanted them to go ; but first they kissed one another; to complete their witness with the customary kiss of peace. Then they were charged and attacked by wild animals and later beheaded.

Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God - Matthew 4 : 4

God created man in His own image and likeness. But man disobeyed Him. And as a result suffering and death entered the world.

Suffering and death entered the world because of the disobedience of one man, Adam. But the obedience of another Man, Jesus, opened for us avenue of salvation once again.

It relates the temptation of Jesus. Soon after Jesus' baptism he was led to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The devil tempts him thrice but Jesus overcomes these temptations.

The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. The highlight of this day is the imposition of Ash on the forehead with the words, "remember you are dust unto dust you shall return." (Gen 3:19).  These words remind us not only what is in store for our mortal remains but also that we should rise from our pathetic state of sin and suffering and strive for victory with Christ through the Cross. Certainly this is not a time for mere external symbolism of repentance with long faces and sulky moods, but is a time for renewal and change so that we may at least partially share in the sacrificial death of Christ by renouncing what we possess.

Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. However, the grace of God over powered the evil effects of sin and the true repentance of man is the stage on which the dominance of God's grace over evil is manifested.

Our salvation was not won easily. It was earned by Jesus the hard way by emptying himself of His divinity to become one like us except sin, and His obedience to God's will at the cost of His own life. Jesus had to face many temptations before He became victorius on the Cross.

Jesus was tempted soon after His Baptism. This only proves that baptism is no shield against the power and the temptations of the devil. Baptism cleans us of our original sin and those sins up to the time of baptism, but in the rest of our lives we have to fight temptations with the help of our own faith and the grace of God.

For some people these temptations are totally connected with their personal life and faith. But there are others who think that these temptations are connected with his or her ministry. All of us face temptations perhaps in contrasting shapes and forms, and there is no escape for them.

In the wilderness of life where avenues are obscured personal need may come to the forefront. Amidst tormenting loneliness we may be tempted to satisfy personal need by making use of our powers, abilities, talents, opportunities, etc.

We could also be tempted to put God to the test. When we are sick or jobless, when our children are ungrateful or when the employer exploits our goodness, we lose our faith and turn to other gods and faiths.

Again we may be tempted to possess worldly wealth as much as possible in this life; as possessions are the standared by which people gage our wealth, power and status. Therefore they will do anything and everything to gain the things of the world. This is devil worship in disguise.

In the temptations of Jesus one thing is clear how Chirst made use of the scriptures to tackle the devil. But we must not forget the fact that in the second temptation Satan too quoted scripture. This means that the devil could make use of the scriptures to tempt us too. Therefore it needs lot of faith, holiness, adherences to the true scriptures and prayer to fight the temptations of life.

A leaf lived attached to the trunk of a hardy tree. The leaf young, beautiful and happy, fluttered by the wind, the robust tree fed it with its sap. One day the wind caressed it and whispered; "what are you doing my beautiful one, attached to such an ugly tree? Do you want to come with me? I will take you among the flowers." The leaf didn't give in, but the wind came back again and again kept repeating. "Come, come" finally, the beautiful young leaf accepted the invitation. After twinges of pain on parting, the leaf was carried off by the wind. How it danced among beautiful flowers; soon however the wind abandoned it. The party had ended. The poor leaf begged the wind to make it dance or at least take it back to the trunk. It waited in vain. The wind turned a deaf ear, busying itself only in pulling off other leaves and abandoning them in the mire.

Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God - Matthew 4 : 4

God created man in His own image and likeness. But man disobeyed Him. And as a result suffering and death entered the world.

Suffering and death entered the world because of the disobedience of one man, Adam. But the obedience of another Man, Jesus, opened for us avenue of salvation once again.

It relates the temptation of Jesus. Soon after Jesus' baptism he was led to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The devil tempts him thrice but Jesus overcomes these temptations.

The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. The highlight of this day is the imposition of Ash on the forehead with the words, "remember you are dust unto dust you shall return." (Gen 3:19).  These words remind us not only what is in store for our mortal remains but also that we should rise from our pathetic state of sin and suffering and strive for victory with Christ through the Cross. Certainly this is not a time for mere external symbolism of repentance with long faces and sulky moods, but is a time for renewal and change so that we may at least partially share in the sacrificial death of Christ by renouncing what we possess.

Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. However, the grace of God over powered the evil effects of sin and the true repentance of man is the stage on which the dominance of God's grace over evil is manifested.

Our salvation was not won easily. It was earned by Jesus the hard way by emptying himself of His divinity to become one like us except sin, and His obedience to God's will at the cost of His own life. Jesus had to face many temptations before He became victorius on the Cross.

Jesus was tempted soon after His Baptism. This only proves that baptism is no shield against the power and the temptations of the devil. Baptism cleans us of our original sin and those sins up to the time of baptism, but in the rest of our lives we have to fight temptations with the help of our own faith and the grace of God.

For some people these temptations are totally connected with their personal life and faith. But there are others who think that these temptations are connected with his or her ministry. All of us face temptations perhaps in contrasting shapes and forms, and there is no escape for them.

In the wilderness of life where avenues are obscured personal need may come to the forefront. Amidst tormenting loneliness we may be tempted to satisfy personal need by making use of our powers, abilities, talents, opportunities, etc.

We could also be tempted to put God to the test. When we are sick or jobless, when our children are ungrateful or when the employer exploits our goodness, we lose our faith and turn to other gods and faiths.

Again we may be tempted to possess worldly wealth as much as possible in this life; as possessions are the standared by which people gage our wealth, power and status. Therefore they will do anything and everything to gain the things of the world. This is devil worship in disguise.

In the temptations of Jesus one thing is clear how Chirst made use of the scriptures to tackle the devil. But we must not forget the fact that in the second temptation Satan too quoted scripture. This means that the devil could make use of the scriptures to tempt us too. Therefore it needs lot of faith, holiness, adherences to the true scriptures and prayer to fight the temptations of life.

A leaf lived attached to the trunk of a hardy tree. The leaf young, beautiful and happy, fluttered by the wind, the robust tree fed it with its sap. One day the wind caressed it and whispered; "what are you doing my beautiful one, attached to such an ugly tree? Do you want to come with me? I will take you among the flowers." The leaf didn't give in, but the wind came back again and again kept repeating. "Come, come" finally, the beautiful young leaf accepted the invitation. After twinges of pain on parting, the leaf was carried off by the wind. How it danced among beautiful flowers; soon however the wind abandoned it. The party had ended. The poor leaf begged the wind to make it dance or at least take it back to the trunk. It waited in vain. The wind turned a deaf ear, busying itself only in pulling off other leaves and abandoning them in the mire.

Led by the Spirit into the Desert

1. Led by the Spirit
The Holy Spirit that descended upon Jesus at His Baptism leads Him into the wilderness (the desert of Judea which lies between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea). Therefore it is the Holy Spirit who makes Him confront and defeat evil.

2. Forty Days and Forty Nights
Jesus stays in the wilderness for forty days just as the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years during the Exodus. In their wilderness wandering, the rebellious Covenantal People of God failed not a few times. They murmured against God and went against their leader Moses. They opted against God. In the wilderness, Jesus reenacts the temptations of His people. Will He, the newly proclaimed Son of God too fail? The tension mounts!

Jesus stays in the wilderness for forty days, just as the ancient prophets met and decided with God alone far from the world. In deep communion with God, He is making His opt for the ministry. This becomes the fertile ground for the devil. Will He too opt against God? The tension mounts!

3. Tempted by the Devil
At the end of the forty days, Jesus confronts the devil. At baptism, Jesus was proclaimed God's Son. Over the waters of the Jordan, Jesus' unique relationship with God was thus proclaimed. Now it is tested.So the devil repeats "If you are the Son of God..."

4. First Temptation
Three tests are put to Jesus, based on the natural human drives of hunger, glory and power. First, He is asked to change stones into loaves. But, He refers to Deuteronomy 8 : 3 "He therefore let you be afflicted with hunger, and then fed you with manna, a food unknown to you and your fathers, in order to show you that not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord."

In Deuteronomy 8: 3 Moses interpreted the wilderness scene. God called the people out of Egypt. People should have faith in Him. He knows what He does. So when He does something people should believe in Him. He really tested them by making them hungry to teach them the lesson of accepting His will, workings and word.

But in their hunger Israel murmured and clamoured for food. They murmured in the desert against God and Moses yearning for the flesh pots in Egypt. By this they tested Him instead of believing in Him. But out of care, He gave them manna in the desert for hunger. He made their lives easier in the desert.

Jesus in the wilderness is now hungry and the devil would like Him to perform a miracle to satisfy His hunger. Will He too fail like Israel? He would obey God and take the more difficult path of fasting. Even when natural means fail, He would trust in God's care. He would rather rely on His word, "It is written: 'One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.'"

5. Second Temptation
Second, Jesus is asked to inaugurate His ministry with a dazzling display on the parapet of the Temple of Jerusalem, the city of destiny, where He will ultimately face His destiny, the city of Jesus' passion, death and Resurrection, where He will finally confront and completely conquer the devil.

In the wilderness, Israel wanted water to drink and again murmured against God and Moses and forced a miracle from God to make their lives easier: the water from the rock.

Now the devil suggests Jesus to jump from the Temple wall that people may aclaim Him as Messiah, as He will not be hurt. But He does not wish to have the easier and the popular road to Messiahship and thereby, does not wish to tempt or test His God who has called Him to a difficult road of Messiahship.

6. Third Temptation
Finally Jesus is asked to accept the kingdoms of the world at the hands of someone other than His Father. In the wilderness, Israel tested God so much and they got things they demanded in an easier way and finally they rejected the very God who called them by adoring a false god made according to their wishes, namely the golden calf.

Now the devil wishes that Jesus would worship him in exchange of the whole world. He wishes Jesus to follow the easy path of
idolatry. But He vehemently rejects it and opts for the true God.

At the end, when Jesus abides by the will of God and suffers and dies on the cross - the difficult path - then He will really give Him all power and authority in heaven and on earth.

7. The Suffering and Dying Messiah
All these three tests revolve around Jesus' mission as God's Son. Over the waters of the Jordan, He was identified as the Suffering and Dying Messiah or Son of God. The devil tries to frustrate God's plan - Jesus' mission as His Son to be the Suffering and Dying Messiah. But Jesus manifests His unique Sonship of God. He does not use His powers to His own benefit. He does not blackmail His Father into seeing that no harm befalls Him. He does not receive kingship over creation except at the hands of His Father. He is deeply committed to the messianic mission entrusted to Him by the Father. He prefers the way willed by the Father - the way of the cross - to the easy way, suggested by the devil. Undaunted by these temptations of the devil Jesus dedicates His life to the destiny, willed by His Father.

8. Via Crucis
The three temptations are symbolic of the whole ministry of Jesus. At baptism He was proclaimed the Son of God, the Suffering and Dying Messiah. Throughout His ministry, this particular way Jesus has chosen - via crucis - is tested.

The devil makes use of this title each time for its advantage, "If you are the Son of God-" But Jesus holds on to God's will.

Jesus spoke like an ordinary man on the Mount of Olives, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet, not as I will, but as You will". In other words, He implores, "If it is your will, remove the difficult path, this chalice..." Then He surrendered to the Father's will immediately, 'but not my will.'

Even on the cross, the same challenge is given - even now at this last hour He is challenged to perform a miracle, "... save yourself, if you are the Son of God, (and) come down from the Cross! ... He saved others; He cannot save himself. So he is the king of Israel! Let Him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in Him"

Which is the path of the Church today?

Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

Humility is Childlike, not Theatrical

Christians must pursue true humility as they remember the smallness of Christmas.

Humility is the virtue of the childlike and this is true humility and not a rather theatrical humility: No, not that: The humility of somebody who said: "I am humble but proud of being so.' No, that is not true humility.

The humility of the childlike is that of somebody who walks in the presence of the Lord, does not speak badly about others, looks only at serving and feels that he or she is the smallest.

This is the strength of the childlike. The Lord reveals to the little ones the mystery of Salvation and the mystery of His very self.

True humility is connected to the biblical concept of Fear of the Lord. Fear of the Lord is not terror: No, it is putting into practice God's commandment that he gave to our father Abram: 'Live in my presence, be perfect,' Humble - this is humility, fear of the Lord is humility.

The 'smallness' of the Christmas story: It is about a baby, a stable, a mother, a father and "little ones." The great humility of the Virgin Mary, humility as a journey in the presence of God that gives happiness and joy.

Humility provides a better path. Looking at Jesus who rejoiced because God reveals His mystery to the humble, we can ask for the grace of humility for all of us, the grace of fear of God, of walking in His presence trying to be perfect. And in this way with this humility, we can be vigilant in prayer, carrying out works of brotherly charity and rejoicing and giving praise.

What should I give up for Lent? Meat? Sweets? Chocolate? Ice Cream? Beverages?

Many of us try to be more disciplined for Lent and give up something that we really like. That is great! Fasting has always been an Important tradition of Lent. This year however, let us also consider other things that we can give up.

1. Give up complaining - Focus on gratitude
Philippians 2 : 14 - 15 "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure."
1 Thessalonians 5 : 18 "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ."

2. Give up bitterness - Turn to forgiveness
Ephesians 4 : 31 "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger; brawling and slander; along with every form of malice."
Ephesians 4 : 32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

3. Give up worry - Trust in God
Matthew 6 : 25 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life. Who by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Matthew 6 : 33 "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

4. Give up discouragement - Be full of hope
Deuteronomy 31: 8 "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you: he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Isaiah 40: 31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

5. Give up hatred - Return good for evil
1 John 2 : 9 "Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness."
Luke 6: 27 "But I tell you who hear me; Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you."

6. Give up anger - Be more patient
Matthew 5 : 22 "But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment."
Proverbs 15 : 18 "A hot tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel."

7. Give up gossiping - Control your tongue
Psalm 34:13 "Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies."
Proverbs 21 : 23 "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity."

Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

Humility is the First Step to Unity

Jesus calls out to us, makes an appeal to us: 'Are you ready to leave everything from your past for me? Do you want to make My love known, My mercy?'

His gaze of divine mercy is the source of the whole Christian Ministry.

As the Apostle's letters show, he did not always have an easy relationship with the community in Corinth, noting that at one point there was even a painful visit during which heated words were exchanged in writing.

But by living his ministry in light of the mercy that he received, St. Paul does not give up in the face of divisions, but devotes himself to reconciliation. Christians of different confessions must have the same attitude.

When we, the community of baptized Christians, find ourselves confronted with disagreements and turn towards the merciful face of Christ to overcome it, it is reassuring to know that we are doing as Saint Paul did in one of the very first Christian communities.

Perhaps the most difficult moment St. Paul had with the community in Corinth, the Apostle cancelled a trip he was planning to make, and renounced the gifts he would have received.

However, while there were certainly tensions in their relationship, these did not have the final word, the two communities eventually reconciled and the Christians in Corinth eventually helped St. Paul in his ministry to the poor and needy.

Solid communion grows and is built up when people work together for those in need, through a united witness to charity, the merciful face of Jesus is made visible in our city.

We thank the Lord that among Christians the desire has grown for greater closeness, which is manifested in our praying together and in our common witness to the Gospel, above all in our various forms of service.

Work together to become ever more faithful disciples of Jesus, always more liberated from our respective prejudices from the past and ever more desirous to pray for and with others.

Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

Who Says We Don't Exercise?

We 'Jump' to conclusions
We 'Throw' our weight around
We 'Twist' them tough
We 'Stretch' the lies
We 'Bind' the rules
We 'Push' our luck
We 'Lift' out egos
We 'Run' from toughs situations
We are absolutely fit!

But still, we are fat because
We eat our words so often!!

Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Nearer to God or Nearer to Wealth?

Since man, God's greatest creation, was created, he seeks for property, wealth, power and other worldly elements instead of his Creator. It is true that man has his own right to enjoy worldly pleasures, but ignoring the Creator, who gave him life, is undoubtedly an unforgivable crime. Sadly, most of us act so inhumanly, without understanding what our actions will lead to. This short composition will focus on this issue, in somewhat a different sense by considering some basics in the teachings of the Church.


Many of us acclaim to have great faith in God and proudly present ourselves as traditional Catholics and so on. Yet, many of us neither know what this Faith in God means nor do what God means or do what God wants us to do always. What exactly is faith? Just by contemplating on such simple elements in a spiritual sense will enable us to approach God the way He wants. Faith is the trust we have in someone and having the assurance that such a person will never forsake you. This is just one definition, we all can contemplate in our own way. However, it is very important to know what the opposite of faith is, anxiety.

When someone is anxious he or she has no faith in anything. This sense of anxiety is dangerous for any person. He or she may fall into any sin, in order escape from this void of fear. People worry desperately in life, mostly for matters which are of no use. But, God expects us to not be desparate or worry, no matter what we face in life. This is the Faith, which God expects from each one of us. No matter how many shrines we may visit and participate in hundreds of novenas, prayer meetings, if this nature of Faith is lacking in our system, there is simply no Faith at all and all our actions become meaningless.

Lacking Faith in God, for non-believers lacking Faith in themselves or what they believe will certainly be the root of their downfall. Lacking Faith means lacking Love. People who have no idea of this Faith in God, instead of loving God and His creation, they find ways and means to expand their own glory.

Precious Gift

We tend to forget that this life is a precious gift given to us by our Loving Father in heaven. This life is short and death is a certainty. By forgetting these how can our sinful people ever imagine about life after death, the Kingdom of Heaven and so on? This is why the Church must speak much more on life before death because if any life before death was virtuous in the eyes of God, then certainly there is no reason to worry about death or life afterwards, for God has guaranteed that He has booked us an awesome place in His Kingdom.

We ignorant Christians must enjoy life by practising these simple virtues God has asked us so many times in the Scriptures. Then we can celebrate heaven on Earth itself!

However, what most of us seek as said earlier is self glory through material wealth.

True, one must have some form of wealth and property if we are to exist in this world. Parents have the responsibility of bringing up their children by giving them not only a sound education but also looking into their various needs. So parents need the resources for this. We do have our responsibility and God has not asked us to live a life of torture. Happiness is what God wants of His creation. But that does not mean we should run after wealth, hoarding for us without a concern for our neighbour. This is not what God wants of us, His precious creation.

There are those who fight for wealth; get involved in treacherous deeds - even going to the extreme of murder, just for the sake of some worldly wealth, which has no value in God's domain. People have become climbers in whatever they do. They have lost their human nature and behave worse than wild animals when they strive to satisfy their greed for power.

There is hardly a realisation that sin meets with punishment for the doer someway or other; because any sin knowingly done do not even meet God's forgiveness, especially if it is against our own brothers and sisters.

Yet, after doing all the sins in the world, when terror strikes our lives as a result of our sins, we put the blame on God and clean our hands. Having put the blame on God we move away from repenting for the wrong we did. This is the pure truth which happens in this world.

Why do we sin?

Have we experienced permanent comfort by committing sins? We always carry the guilt of our sin, don't we? It is true we can not be perfect but as Christians let us make a serious attempt to reduce our sins and live a life blessed in the eyes of God, not trying to do better than the other and showing off.

Society has a lot of work to do in the present context of the world, in order to make this world what God expects it to be. Instead of spreading rumours about others, why don't we praise each other, instead of looking for power why don't we work for justice, instead o plotting against our enemies why don't we approach them and reconcile.

Wise words between people can save lives, can prevent wars. Wisdom and understanding when dealing with society will open a bright future for any country.

Yet where are we? Children are taught to have an ambition which leads to competition. Already at a young age their minds are brain washed so that they will one day become the so called business-minded in the society. Their thoughts and actions are programmed to be head-centred and not heart-centred.

Unless, people do not remove that 'money is everything' from their minds, never shall one receive the Graces of God! Live for others, live genuinely, be honest and be another Jesus to all.

Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Feeling Hurt

"What do you think? My brother told me that I am jealous of his wife Irma. He said that Irma is qualified but stayed home to look after their daughter just because I am busy at work and do not have time for the home front, he said that I am green with envy. I feel that my brother has hurt me by saying that," said Muntaz.

"When you live and move with the family, there are always problems. In fact, the people who can hurt or upset you are usually the ones you are close to, like family and friends. When you care for someone, you are leaving the door open for that person to show you affection but also to upset you by saying or doing something bad. As a psychologist, I have also found that what upsets you when you say you are hurt emotionally is your ego. It is our sense of Ego, where one has a high opinion of oneself, which is what is disturbed by the word or deed of someone you care about," explained Palitha.

"I think what upset me was when my sister scolded me for getting late for the lecture. She said that I delayed everyone. I know was wrong but I am very sensitive to criticism," chimed in Sherine. "Most people don't like criticism. There are very few who are ready to change and improve themselves by accepting Constructive Criticism," said Palitha, adding "Usually, one thinks of the person who said or did something hurtful and takes it personally. That is why people take offence even if the person said or did something which is correct."

"Maybe we should pray for the wisdom not to take personal remarks to heart. Just trust in God and let go, to live well," said Muntaz.

Feeling Hurt

"What do you think? My brother told me that I am jealous of his wife Irma. He said that Irma is qualified but stayed home to look after their daughter just because I am busy at work and do not have time for the home front, he said that I am green with envy. I feel that my brother has hurt me by saying that," said Muntaz.

"When you live and move with the family, there are always problems. In fact, the people who can hurt or upset you are usually the ones you are close to, like family and friends. When you care for someone, you are leaving the door open for that person to show you affection but also to upset you by saying or doing something bad. As a psychologist, I have also found that what upsets you when you say you are hurt emotionally is your ego. It is our sense of Ego, where one has a high opinion of oneself, which is what is disturbed by the word or deed of someone you care about," explained Palitha.

"I think what upset me was when my sister scolded me for getting late for the lecture. She said that I delayed everyone. I know was wrong but I am very sensitive to criticism," chimed in Sherine. "Most people don't like criticism. There are very few who are ready to change and improve themselves by accepting Constructive Criticism," said Palitha, adding "Usually, one thinks of the person who said or did something hurtful and takes it personally. That is why people take offence even if the person said or did something which is correct."

"Maybe we should pray for the wisdom not to take personal remarks to heart. Just trust in God and let go, to live well," said Muntaz.

Love is The Foundation

When two hearts are joined together in love, they are receiving this endless blessing from above. God is watching over them from a distance, protecting and saving them in every circumstance.

Everyday is a big challenge for both of them, lifting up these troubles to God above all men. Trusting with one another is their message of hope, that they will be bonded together in God's Love rope. Love is the foundation of their everyday life.

And God's reminders can sometimes be sharper than a knife.

Teaching their children about God's commandment, they will find this perfect joy in this honest commitment. Yes, to forgive one another and to love is their daily prayer, that they will live as happy as can be, both now and forever.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

Confession is not the 'Dry-Cleaners'

Confessing our sins isn't a 'mechanical' procedure like getting a stain removed but rather a joyful embrace from God, who forgives everything from a heart that's repentant.

There is no sin which the Lord would not pardon. He forgives everything. If we go to confession repentant, He will forgive everything.

St. Paul also speaks of God's mercy, saying that God will be merciful toward His people's injustices and will "remember their sins no more."

God always forgives every sin without exception whenever someone asks for pardon, noting that Jesus came in order to make a pact with humanity and the foundation of this pact is the forgiveness of our sins.

God always forgives us. He never tires of this. It is we who get tired of asking for forgiveness, but He does not tire of pardoning us.

He recalled how when Peter in the Gospel asks Jesus how often we should forgive others, Jesus responds by saying, "Not seven times: Seventy times by seven," or, "Namely always."

This is how God forgives, even if a person has lived their entire life committing many sins and terrible acts, if they repentantly ask for forgiveness the Lord will immediately pardon them.

How doubts can often arise in a person's heart as to how far and how much God is willing to forgive. We do not have to worry because Christ has already paid the price of sin on our behalf.

Athough there are many who might say, "I don't go to confession because I have committed so many really bad sins, so many that I can't be pardoned" No, this is not true. God forgives everything.

Oftentimes God does not even let us finish speaking, noting that as soon as we begin to ask for pardon, God lets us feel that joy of forgiveness before us have even finished confessing.

God rejoices whenever a person asks for forgiveness and erases our sins fron his memory. God does this, because what is important for Him is that we encounter Him,because going to confession is not a judgement, but rather a meeting point with God.

Confessions often seem like a procedure, a formality. Everything is mechanical! No! Where's the meeting in this? Noting that confession is instead an encounter with the Lord who pardons us, hugs us and rejoices.

To go to confession is not like going to the dry cleaners to get a stain removed. No! It's about going to meet with our Father who pardons us, who forgives us and who rejoices.

The Last Supper

On that dark and sorrowful night
When Judas and his friends arose
To seize the Son of God with all their might
Jesus was captured and betrayed by His foes.

When the sorrowful moment come to pass
The bread He took and it He did break
Nourished by Jesus' preserving grace
His body was broken for our sake

We see Jesus' bruised flesh in this bread
And in the wine we see His blood
Here Jesus proves His dying love
Body slain and bathed with His own blood

Jesus had true compassion being a God
As a Saviour, He very well knew
That the price of pardon was His blood
He was so pitiful that never did He withdrew

Here we see and feel the mercy of Jesus
With true compassion His love for us rolls
Peace and pardon was bought with His flesh and blood
It's a food for all sinners and all dying souls.

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017

Creation is A Sign of Hope

Creation has often suffered because of humanity's sins and failings, stressing that we must take care of it because as Christians, we see signs of hope in Christ's Resurrection in nature everyday.

We are still struggling with the consequences of our sin and everything around us still bears the mark of our efforts, of our shortcomings, our closures.

At the same time, however, we know that they are saved by the Lord and already we are given to contemplate and anticipate in ourselves and in the world around us signs of the Resurrection, Easter, which operates a new creation.

God has entrusted creation to us as a gift that can draw us closer to Him, even if our selfishness and sin has contributed to its destruction. Creation is a wonderful gift that God has placed in our hands that we may enter into a relationship with Him and we can recognize the imprint of His loving plan, the achievement of which we are all called to work toward together, day after day. But when we get caught up in our selfishness, we ruin even the most beautiful things entrusted to us and so it happened for creation.

With the tragic experience of sin, broken fellowship with God, we have broken the original communion with everything around us and we ended up corrupting creation, thus making it a slave, submissive to our frailty.

We see the consequence of this before us every day, pointing to water as an example. Water is beautiful, water is important, water is life, yet we have helped to destroy creation by contaminating water. But the Lord does not leave us alone. All creation is groaning in labour pains even until now.

If we pay attention to creation and to ourselves, we will see that we are all groaning, just like a woman experiencing labour pains, and this is because the Holy Spirit is working within us.

These groans are the cries of those who suffer, who are waiting for the recreation of the world. Because we live in the world, we see signs of evil, selfishness and sin both in ourselves and in what surround us. But at the same time, as Christians we also have learned to see the world through the eyes of Easter, with the eyes of the Risen Christ.

That is why this is a time of waiting, a time of longing: we have hope in our knowledge that the Lord wants to permanently heal our wounded hearts with His Mercy and in this way, regenerate a new world and a new humanity, finally reconciled in His Love.

We can often be tempted by pesimism, by disappointment. However, we find solace the Holy Spirit, breath of our hope, which keeps alive the groaning and the expectation of our hearts.

Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

Dengue Prevention

Use preventative measures to eliminate the breeding grounds of dengue mosquitoes, aedes eagypti.
According to a report published by Dr. Prasheela Samaraweera, Sri Lanka had more than 9.000 cases of dengue this year of which 50% were from the Western Province. He is responsible for drafting a bill called the Dengue Prevention Act which has been sent to the Attorney General for review and approval.


Dengue as well as Malaria, filarial diseases, yellow fever and chikungunya are spread by mosquitoes. This year about 59 victims of dengue in Sri Lanka died. If a family member has very high fever and intense headache for more than two days accompanied by muscle and joint pains you must suspect dengue fever and seek immediate medical help. If the person develops a rash in addition to the above symptoms, the victim may be coming in for haemorrhagic shock syndrome where the platelet count drops to critical levels. If the victim passes blood in the urine or when vomiting she/he may be going into shock. At this stage she/he needs immediate, expert medical attention.

A family member with high fever should be treated with antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol (Panadol). Never use aspirin or ibuprofen (Brufen, Motrin, Naproxen) for dengue fever because these medications can exacerbate internal bleeding. Use water, fruit juice or any other soft drinks to hydrate the victim. Diarrhea and vomiting are more unfortunate symptoms of this condition. If the victim cannot retain water she/he has to be hydrated with intravenous fluids under medical supervision.

Prevention is the best cure for dengue or any other mosquito-borne diseases. Using mosquito repellants such as coils, sprays, applications and using protective measures such as mosquito nets and wire screening for windows will repell mosquitoes. They can breed in as little as one square inch of standing water which means there are numerous places around the home which can support their procreation. Such breeding grounds for mosquitoes as coconut shells, tins, plastic cups and containers, discarded tyres or any other receptacle that can contain water have to be drained or eliminated. Check your gutters and drains for stagnant water. Go round the house and check for any place where water can collect and get rid of these receptacles. The only place that the mosquito can breed is in water.

During the day they like to rest in tall grass or among shrubs in a moist, shady environment. Keeping the grass and shrubs short will deprive them of a resting place during the day. Rake up any fallen leaves. An overturned leaf can hold enough water to support mosquito eggs and also a place for them to wait out the day. The mosquito that spreads dengue is not very active during the day. They can enter homes around 5.30 PM and in the morning. It is advisable to keep your doors and windows closed during these times. Mosquitoes are also attracted by bright colours. It is advisable to wear white or light-colored clothes in order not to attract their attention.

Most of the treatments for dengue have been tested and approved by the stipulated medical and government bodies that regulate treatment. They do strict tests using approved research methods such as double-blind studies. There is no direct treatment to irradicate the dengue virus. Using vaccine to prevent this disease is still in the experimental stages.

The following treatment is still in an experimental stage and must not be taken as the sole treatment for dengue fever. The people who advocate this simple herbal treatment have lots of faith in it. I would advise you to use this as an adjunct or in addition to conventional dengue treatment. Raw juice from the green papaya leaf seems to have helped a few dengue victims to get their temperature and blood platelet count to normal. The advocates of this treatment say not to boil the leaves, but to squeeze the juice off the leaves and give about two teaspoons of it once a day. The juice must come from raw, (not very tender or not very mature) green papaya leaves. This should be given once a day till the fever subsides and the blood platelet count gets back to normal. I caution again that this is an experimental treatment and is not scientifically tested and proved as a cure for dengue. It is advisable to use this with the other conventional treatments.

Herbal Repellant

Mosquito repellants such ad coils, sprays and oils are effective in warding off these lethal insects from human habitation. There is an additional herbal repellant that could be used to ward off these lethal insects. It is green betel leaves (bulath). Put four to five betel leaves in a blender and blend them adding an adequate amount of water to make them mushy. Pour the mixture into an open plate and keep it exposed in areas like living rooms or bedrooms where mosquitoes gather to feed on human blood. Users swear as to the effectiveness of this herbal mosquito repellant. The paste could be re-used for three to four days as long as it is kept moist by adding water.

Mosquitoes find it very difficult to fly in places where there is breeze or wind. If you have outings in breezy spots such as sea beaches they find it difficul to fly. This also supports the idea of using devices such as electric fans  in places where people congregate. Since mosquitoes tend to fly low, it is advisable to direct the air-flow from the fans to areas just above the floor.

World Health Organisation statistics show that about 25.000 deaths occur annually due to dengue fever. There is no vaccine or direct cure for the dengue virus. Health care workers can only treat the symptoms of the disease. 50% of the Dengue cases in Sri Lanka occur in the Western Province. This is the price we pay for the readily available water resources this area enjoys in comparison to other parts of the country. Fortunately this lethal disease can be prevented by taking common-sense preventative measures that are mentioned above. Until the experts find a vaccine against dengue and discover a cure to this virus, it is advisable for us to take steps to eliminate the breeding grounds of mosquitoes that cause this disease.

Helminthiasis (worm infestation)

Worm infections are found worldwide, although in warmer moister areas, especially where standards of hygiene are low, the prevalence is greater. In such areas infection with more than one variety is the rule. One billion children in the world are said to be affected. It is commoner in children than in adults because they tend to live closely with nature and with their pets. Worm infections are not necessarily confined to the tropical poor countries and the increase of travel and refugee movements in recent years has led to an increasing awareness in the industrialized world of the dangers of 'imported' diseases.

Worm infections differ in most cases from other micro-organisms in that the clinical effects exhibited by the host are mostly related to the worm load carried and the latter in turn is usually related to the degree of infection. The following principles are utilized either alone or in combination depending on the species to control worm infection.
1.Treatment of infected persons
2. Control of animal reservoirs
3. Hygiene, which includes education and provision of adequate and acceptable toilet facilities
4. Control of carriers
5. The wearing of shoes where infection occurs from the soil through the skin
6. Instruction in food preparation and cooking
7. Improved personal hygiene.

Round Worm (Ascariasis)

It thrives in moist climate and condition of over-crowding. They live in the small intestine. The gravid female lays 200,000 eggs a day and the newly excreted eggs remain dormant out of the body for a long period. If conditions are favourable they develop into an infective stage in two weeks in which condition they remain viable for months or years. The hosts of these worms are humans.

In 80% of cases, the only manifestation in man is asymptomatic passage of eggs and adult worms in the stool. Symptoms are due to invasion of larvae, presence of a large adult worm load or migration of adult worm from the normal habitat. The initial migration into the lungs causes a dry persistent cough, with tweezing and breathlessness. There may be fever with abdominal pain and urticarial rashes. Presence of a few worms in the infestine of a child does not produce symptoms in a child.

A large worm load will take away the nutrition from the child and also digestion and absorption of sugar. In a heavy infection the mass of worms can be felt to the hand can cause intestinal obstruction.

Hook Worm (Necator Americamus)

Hook worm sucks blood from the intestinal wall and is a very common cause of anaemia. The worm lives in the intestine and lays eggs which are excreted in damp shady conditions and hatch out in about two days, liberating the larva. The larva penetrates the skin and enters the instestine after traversing through the lungs. There may be abdominal discomfort especially after meals, loss of apppetite, debility and tiredness. The children are stunted, mal nourished and anaemic.

Thread Worm (Enterobius)

It is common in highly populated areas, institutional groups and members of the same family. The absence of developmental stage outside man favours reinfection and transmission from child to child. Thread worm generally causes no symptoms it produces characteristic scratching or the perianal area due to the migration of worms from the intestine where eggs are deposited. Hands are contaminated by scratching the perianal area and by contact with soiled underclothing, night clothing and bedding.

Infection is also acquired by inhalation of dust containing the eggs. The child is restless, nightmares, grinding of teeth and perhaps bed wetting occur. In about 20% of girls vulval irritation and vaginal discharge occurs. Nail biting, nose picking, masturbation and other behavioural changes have been wrongly attributed to thread worm infection. In general treatment for most cases is unnecessary especially as re-infection inevitably occur. However if treatment is given the whole family should be treated.

Whip Worm (Trichuris Trichiura)

The infection is often asymptomatic but should not be underrated as a disease in humans. Heavy infection can cause abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea may occur with pain around the anal orifice. Excessive loads can cause anaemia and weight loss. Prolapse of the rectum is a well known complication.

Filariasis (Wuchereria Bancrofti and Brugia Malyi)

It is transmitted by a mosquito. First infection may occur in children but the full clinical picture takes many years to develop. As with other filarial diseases, the early phase may be entirely asymptomatic or associated with alergic manifestations. The commonest manifestation is the acute and recurring inflammation of lymph nodes and their vessels where the lymphatic fluid flows usually in the groin where the vessels are thickened and cord like. The lymph nodes are painful. It is associated with fever, malaise, nausea and headache. The attacks which subside after several days have a variable periodicity of weeks or months, gradually becoming less severe, often persisting of residual swellings under the skin. Fluid may collect in the abdomen. Large lower limbs like elephant legs are now rarely seen.

Tropical Eosinophilia Syndrome

In some patients, an abnormal response to Wuchereria Bancrofti infections results with a clinical picture reflecting a spesific allergic sensitization to filarial worms. These patients present symptoms of a cough, asthma like symptoms, respiratory distress and eosinphil count 3000/ or greater with X-ray changes in the lung.


It is an infection by a bacteria now been recognised in our country which can have serious consequences. This is an organism found in the soil and surface water, is widely distributed. Infection follows inhalation or direct inoculation. Most of the patients have predisposing disease like diabetes. It may be sudden or a long drawn out illness. The most serious form is a generalized disease with multiple abscesses that is frequently fatal.


This is caused by a ptotozoan. It is transmitted by contaminated food or water. Or spread directly by person to person contact. Many carry it without symptoms. The usual course is a long drawn out illness with mild intermittent diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. It may progress to bloody diarrhoea and accompanied with headache, nausea. The liver can get affected with tender swollen liver with high fever and toxicity.