Senin, 01 Mei 2017

Pope Francis Encyclical Letter: Laudato Si', On the Care of Our Common Home

I am greatly saddened by the pollution and the lack of care for the environment I see around me. As we all know this environmental destruction is a universal problem and the Pope's Laudato Si', calls it the most critical need of the 21st century and goes on to actually call it a sin. We have never been asked to consider what we do to animals as sin before, let alone what we do to the natural world. Sin has usually only been linked to what we do or not do to other humans, love your neigjbour as yourself.

If we really open our hearts to the destruction of creation, we will know the truth of the Pope's strong words that mankind has turned the planet into a "polluted wasteland full of debris, desolation and filth" desecrating God's creation. But as the Pope says even committed Christians do not take this seriously and "with the excuse of realism and pragmatism, tend to ridicule expressions of concern for the environment while others are passive."

How do we evade the naming of our behaviour as Sin? How do we gloss over this so easily? The apathy is so dense that even priests are helpless in the face of it. Is Satan so clever he keeps us totally lost in the thick fog of our throw away, convenience and progress driven culture with an obsessive need to compete and succeed with no consideration of the costs, blinding ourselves to the ever increasing inequalities in our world? Is it a time to wake up and say "Satan get thee behind me!" and give ourselves the space to let in the light of truth, our sin?

It was our responsibility to sanctify and consecrate all creation back to God to whom it rightfully belongs. Calling on the Holy Spirit, God's presence in the world, to guide us would be so valuable in this journey. The Holy Spirit continues to draw near to creation, continues to support and sustain creation on its journey back to the Creator, God.
For a long time I have been asking how we could engage with the Laudato Si' in a way that will bring the spiritual ecological transformation the Pope speaks of and the following is what I came up with.

1. Become very aware of the destruction each of us is engaging in. There are plenty of awareness programs. When I show mine I am surprised to hear many people say they had not realized the extent of the damage.

2. Let a deep appreciation of our sin against creation penetrate our hearts and know true repentance, for our part in this destruction.

4. Make the difficult decision to change our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour, and persevere with this change. The Pope takes on the call of many environmentalists and gives very spesific ways to stop further damage, all of which we know but invariably do not engage in, namely; stop using polythene, particularly shopping bags which kill so many birds and animals and is so hard to dispose especially if they are dirty, separate garbage, save water, cut down showers, do not use non degradable products, buy less, reuse, use reusable water bottles, ride a bike or walk rather than drive, compost, join local projects that are engaged in these ventures and start projects in institutions, churches, schools, offices.
See how we can apply the Laudato Si' in our parish.
Do something to restore the damage - change individual habits, engage with the issue in the church or community.
Teach the Laudato Si' in Sunday Schools - children are our future and many love nature.
Open our heart to the gifts of creation and invite the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide us to a deep connection to all of creation and our divinity, the essence of God, the essence of Love.

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