Selasa, 11 April 2017

An eye for an eye (It is not fair to fight back)

Jesus is asking us to "Turn to them the other cheek also" ... What does this mean?

Imagine a scene. One child pushes another, the other reacts by hitting him, the one who pushed then hits back, soon the two of them are involved in a fight.

What do you think? If someone pushes you, isn't it ok to push back? If someone hit you, is it not fair to hit back?

Jesus invites us His followers, "Not to hit back, but to offer the other cheek too." He goes even further and say "Love your enemies" and you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. What a wonderful reward for those who choose not to retaliate. Let us ask God to help all of us and give us strength, to do so.

Father, most times I want to strike back when someone hurt me or call me names. Give me the courage to do as Jesus taught and "Turn the other cheek."

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