The Christian mission today means facing new challenges with simplicity, holiness and opennes to God.
Many still await knowledge of Jesus, the sole Redeemer of man and many situations of injustice and moral and material hardship challenge believers. Such an urgent mission requires conversion at personal and community levels. Only hearts that are fully open to the action of grace are able to interpret the signs of the times and to hear the calls of humanity in need of hope and peace.
Our apostolate is a vast field constituted by the urgent need to bear witness to the Gospel before everyone without distinctions.
It is true, we must go ahead towards the new needs, the new challenges, but remember we cannot go ahead without memory. It is a continual tension. If I want to go ahead without memory of the past, of the history of the founders, the great figures, and also the sins of the congregation, I cannot do so.
Our service to God's Word is witness to the Risen Christ, whom we have met on our journey and whom with our style of life, we are called to take wherever the Church sends us.
We are not princes, sons of princes or counts or barons: We are simple people, of the people. And for this reason we draw close with this simplicity to the simple people and those who suffer the most: the sick, children, the abandoned elderly, the poor... all of them. And this poverty is at the heart of the Gospel: it is the poverty of Jesus, not sosiological poverty, but that of Jesus.
God can draw great things out of smallness and unworthiness. Our smallness is in fact the seed, that then germinates, grows; the Lord waters it, and in this way it goes ahead. But the sense of smallness is that first impulse towards trust in the power of God. Go, go ahead on this road.
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