Selasa, 04 April 2017


"There is a lot of talk about abortion," commented Nora.

"I think it is better to educate the young people when they became teenagers so that they don't have unprotected sex leading to Unplanned Pregnancies. Then there is no need to have an abortion. You must teach girls and boys that they must respect each other's bodies even if they are in a relationship. It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex but you must tell a boy or girl that if they find themselves alone and even if they hug and kiss, they must practice self control and not go the whole way," explained Haren who was a doctor.

"You are right. I know couples who even get married without knowing how to enjoy married life and conjugal relationship, which is God's gift to bring forth children when they are good and ready. God made man and woman to enjoy sex as it is part of  Creation. There are natural ways to not have children until both man and woman are ready to sacrifice for twenty years to raise a child," said Nora.

"Yes, there are many cases where the woman wanted to have a child but the man wanted to get ahead in his career or go abroad. I think older and experienced people must share frankly with the young about the difficulties and shared responsibilities of parenting so that they don't just get together and make a child. Research has shown that many married women go in for abortions as they know the difficulties of raising a child. There is no need for the trauma of abortion if they are careful," said Haren.

"Let us pray to God to show us the way to lead a happy life," concluded Nora.

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