Kamis, 13 April 2017

The Lourdes Apparitions

In the 1850's the little village of Lourdes in Southern France was a modest market village with nothing much to distinguish itself except in appalling poverty and sprawling unemployment. Bernadette Subirous was one among the numerous impoverished children of the locality with the additional trauma of chronic asthma from which she never recovered until her death. Then the improbable happened. In 1858 the Blessed Virgin deigned to choose this little girl of Lourdes as her instrument to reveal to the world the mystery of her Immaculate Conception. On February 11 she appeared to Bernadette as a damsel of unimaginable beauty at a grotto-cave beneath the rocky cliff of Massibielle bordering Lourdes. Mary was dressed in pure white with a blue sash. Her head was covered with a white veil while her hand held a glittering Rosary with a shinning crucifix. As the terrified visionary made the sign of the cross, clutched her Rosary and began to pray, the Blessed Virgin herself fingered the Rosary in silence, while the Aves were repeate and joined only in the recitation of the "Our Father" and the "Glory be". It was a totally silent vision as no words were exchanged.

Subsequently, though there were 18 apparitions in all, this smiling visitor from heaven spoke only on a few occasions. During the third apparition, Bernadette was asked by the Lady to visit this site for 15 days which Bernadette cheerfully accepted, without a second thought. Later, during the 9th apparition, this mysterious Lady directed the visionary to dig the dry soil with her bare fingers and drink the muddy water that trick led out. Bernadette readily obliged and within a matter of a few hours this turned out to be the Healing Spring of Lourdes.

The 13th apparition had a message for the clergy. "Go and tell the priests that the people should come here in procession and that a chapel be built here." Abbe Peyramale, the Pastor of Lourdes was baffled. However, he directed Bernadette to request this celestial visitor to reveal her identity. Despite Bernadette's repeated appeals, the smiling Lady remained conspicously silent. Then came the long awaited response during the 16th apparition on March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation. Joining her hands in prayer and her eyes lifted up to heaven, the heavenly Lady spoke out "I am the Immaculate Conception," which many years later prompted William Wordsworth to write of Mary as 'Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast'.

The miraculous healing of Louise Bourtietto from an incurable blindness, of Jeanne Crassus from total paralysis and of the two year old prince, imperial Son of Emperor Napoleon III from a dangerous sun-stroke, all in quick succession brought credibility to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes. Today, after more than 15 years miracles continue to flow from the healing Spring of Lourdes. Besides, Bernadette's incorrupt body, now exposed for public veneration at Nevers, near Paris serves as an additional proof of the authenticity of the Lourdes apparitions.

The doctrine of the Immaculate Conception had been debated for centuries by Church theologians. This was further strengthened by the apparition of Our lady to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830 at Rue de Bac with the inscription: "Oh Mary conceived without original sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." Then came the dogma of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 1854 promulgated by Pope Pius 1. Hence, the Lourdes apparitions have been regarded by the Church as 'Heaven's Approval' of the Dogma proclaimed in 1854.

The Medical Bureau at Lourdes is comprised over 100 qualified Medical Specialists of all creeds  and races, all of whom need to attest the numerous healings taking place in Lourdes. This more than justifies Our Lady's continuing presence at Lourdes.

"Penance-Penance-Penance - pray for the conversion of sinners," Our Lady's last message during the 18th Apparition on February 24, 1858 at Lourdes.

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