Jumat, 07 April 2017

We are unique. Why compare ourselves with others?

"Everyone else is doing amazing things with their lives. I want to be happy and successful like them. But it just makes me crazy when I realize how far behind I am."

Is this you talking?

Probably yes!

Many people are suffering today thinking that they are inadequate or far behind in some way compared to the other people.

Compared to others!

This is where the glitch is! 'Comparison!'.

In fact the habit of comparing ourselves with others is a killer of our peace of mind and joy. It disturbs our progress and robs us of our precious time.

"Comparison is the thief of joy" said Theodore Roosevelt.

Do you know you are unique?

Unique means there is nobody like you on this planet for sure. It's true. You are unique, you are special and there is only one person like you in this whole wide world. There are things that only you can do. There are special things that God has given only to you, and all what you have to do is to do better each passing day.

Be perfect as your heavenly Father, said Jesus. This is a reminder for us to do our very best with our lives.

Whether you are a writer, musician, driver, doctor, landscaper, mother, student, priest, nun, wife, son or anybody, you have a unique personality backed by unique experiences and unique gifts. You have the capacity to love, serve and contribute. You have everything you need to improve yourself and  accomplish good in your little space of the world. With that opportunity squarely in front of you, be thankful for all your gifts and try to do your best each passing day  to become a better person in every aspect.

You don't have to worry about the house the other person built, the new car your neighbour bought, the exam your colleague passed and you failed, the fabulous wedding someone had.

No, Never! Never compare ourselves, our appearance, achievements or possessions with those of others.

How often do we compare ourselves with someone less fortunate than we? If we do that we will always find that we are more fortunate than many. We will realize that we are blessed really.

Michaelangelo said, "every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."

We are the sculptors of our own future. How well we do our own sculpting task is what is important. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing with their block of stone. The statue they are liberating is their lookout. But how well we are doing with our own block of stone is our business.

If we start comparing, there will be no end. We have nothing to gain by comparing, but much to lose.

So determine not to compare ourselves with anyone. Only compare our old self to the new improved version of ourselves. Be aware of our past successes and find motivation in the to pursue more.

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